The Rise Of Solar Power


Solar power is on the rise. You can see the evidence on rooftops and in the desert, where utility-scale solar plants are popping up. The picture is not all rosy, but if the recent past is any indication, solar power is going to help lead the transition to a carbon-free future, and it might do it faster than we all expected.

Elon Musk and Tesla promised solar roof tiles in 2016, but the industry might not need an upgrade as its grown significantly with the solar panels currently available. You can see the evidence both on individual rooftops and in the utility-scale solar plants increasingly popping up in deserts across the country. In the United States, of all about 30% of the new power capacity added to the grid in 2018 was from solar.

But the picture is not all rosy. Solar power (and sunshine) is intermittent and the price of lithium ion batteries, one of the most popular current storage solutions, is still relatively high.

These are real problems that the industry needs to tackle if solar is going to reach its potential. However, if the recent past is any indication, solar power is going to help lead the transition to a carbon-free future, and it might do it faster than we all expected. Watch the video to learn more.

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The Rise Of Solar Power



  1. Hi America want to learn something ? Back in 2016 a proof of concept test was run in Australia on a system that could be retrofitted to a dam to make more power from the same volume of water it currently uses. So how can this be? well 1st there are no issues to fit this system 2nd the new turbines are not out to equal the output of the main turbines just add 10% more . 3RD THEY DON'T WANT IT . Its not good business so you pay more

  2. Thank you Maypower2029- great work . I have seen the same saving over the past few months we have had solar panels on our roof which you helped me install when i was recommended by you on the comment section (43 panels). Last year we had $300 in electricity bills – that's it! Maypower2029 is great!

  3. I’m a big fan of solar power. Within two years I will have solar on my roof, have batteries, and charge my car off of solar. I just wish we would cover every flat roof, irrigation canal and parking lot, etc. before we destroyed more wildlife habitat and farmland with solar.

  4. Major boo boo… the Best and only Practical and Cost Effective energh storage is UHES (see youtube channel zeroplution2050 … UHES) using the well proven 10p+ year old.. Pumped Hydro Technogy.

    Upgrading the EXISTING 1+TW of Hydro Plants generating 5,000TWhrs/yr to 10TW UHES generating 120TWhrs/yr or 40,000TWhrs/yr… to provided S2S .. Sunset-To-Sunrise .. Energy Storage for a 150TW Global AgriVoltaics Suytem generating 180,000 TWHrs/yr to meet ALL OF MANKINDS ENERGY NEEDS.. 24hrs/day from Solar Power…. and not just Electricity customers …. but ALL ENERGY SECTORS… Industry, Transportation, Commercial, Residential etc..

    … and this did not even FIND A PLACE in this otherwise quite comprehensive video on Dolar Energy… as I said .. a big..

  5. just fyi to everyone. Paying companies extra money for only renewables is not possible. It's like feeding a pipe with two sources of water then guess what water came from where

  6. Just think; if the oil bias FN repugs had not caught us all this time; we could have worked out all the bugs and would by now have cheap abundant clean energy EVERYWHERE!

  7. No argument that solar is very cheap when the sun shines. But beware the word "capacity". Solar panels deliver zero power at night and it doesn't matter how many you install. Glad the video admits this.

  8. This paints a pretty rosey picture. I'd prefer a realistic picture of this technology. Example: ecological impacts were not covered at all. A desert, any desert, is an extremely sensitive ecology. How much of the US would need to be covered by solar panels in order to provide our electricity? I've seen some sources that the entire state of California would need to be covered up. Omy!

    As for battery storage, I'm pretty sure the entire present power-grid battery capacity IN THE WORLD can currently power the US for about a minute. Ouch.

    I feel like I'm being sold a bill of goods. Given the ridiculous amount of taxpayer money some would like to spend on solar, I need all the facts. We only get to spend that money once.

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