‘Where’s The Proof?’: Jamie Raskin, Ron Johnson Spar Over Climate Change Mitigation Soutions


At a Senate Budget Committee hearing last week, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) sparred over climate change mitigation solutions.

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  1. Jamie Raskin isn't helping himself by being a subversive communist. And a hard-core ideologue. The alarmists talk about the rising of the sea level, implying there will be a severe increase in the level of the ocean. The sea level has been rising VERY gradually for thousands of years, but there is no indication of any rapid rise in the sea level. Many of the talking points the alarmists cite are typically irrelevant or nonexistent.

  2. Typical of Raskin and the dems. they appear with no proof. Funny this week a local record high for one day was back in 1915. Historically this planet goes through cycles of environment changes. The studies are government paid political hacks that don't have a real job since they were not alive during the major shift and cycle of life/environment on this planet. Democrat party games need to stop. Hey one the biggest abusers is John Kerry and Al Gore – what about their abuse of our climate?!?!

  3. Joint sessions of congress are a waste of time. Imagine the green river killer's case going to congress and not on trial! These people are guilty of crimes against humanity. I'm tired of seeing these senate and congressional hearings that go nowhere. Let's see these criminals on trial in a court of law, their doing it to Trump!!!!

  4. All of you rich people in Washington DC are responsible for global warming flying in private jets and multiple car convoys ever time you move. How about the fuel used in heavy equipment mining for lithium for batteries or coal burning to charge those batteries or ships burning thousands of gallons of fuel to transport what we could be making here instead of importing it

  5. Regarding the document Ron submitted into the record…
    Investigations show that practically none of the signatories to the "World Climate Declaration" are climate scientists.
    The two main Dutch actors behind the declaration are Guus Berkhout, a retired geophysicist who has worked for oil giant Shell, and journalist Marcel Crok.
    Both have been accused of receiving money from fossil fuel companies to finance their climate-sceptic work. They deny the allegations.

    When looking closer at the list of signatories, there are precisely 1,107, including six people who are dead. Less than 1% of the names listed describe themselves as climatologists or climate scientists.

    Eight of the signatories are former or current employees of the oil giant Shell, while many other names have links to mining companies.

    One of the signatories is Ivar Giaever, a joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973 for work on superconductors. However, he has never published any work on climate science.

    According to an independent 2019 count of the declaration's signatories, 21% were engineers, many linked to the fossil fuel industry. Others were lobbyists, and some even worked as fishermen or airline pilots.

  6. Hey Ron, let's review. 390' of sea level rise in the Bay area happened over thousands of years according to your statement = 0.5" per year if we're talking 10,000 years. Not the 24-60" predicted for the coming 70 years. That's the difference. One can be adapted to far more easily than the other. And temperature variations over 440 thousand years is not the same as an abrupt change over 200 years. Adapt? Tell that to the burning Boreal forests, and species falling victim to the 6th mass extinction. CO2 is good for plants and therefore good for greening the planet? Yes, to a large degree, if that was the only parameter we have to work with. But what about the fires, temperature rise, drought, and floods that also come with the changed climate & additional energy trapped in the atmosphere? How does your lawn look in the summertime if you can't water it? CO2 is not enough to keep it nice and lush. CO2 was historically a laggard to temperature? Entirely reasonable… Read the Keeling curve, and see the natural seasonal variations that happen with temperature and vegetation… THAT is CO2 following temperature. But the curve bending upwards exponentially? That's humans. Tens of thousands & millions of years ago, there was not a population of 8 billion critters burning millions of barrels of oil and millions of tons of coal every year was there? Want to know why investments haven't yielded results? It's because its still business as usual. It might even be Jevon's paradox writ large. We keep approving fossil energy projects that offset any emissions reductions. You're not really surprised are you Ron? And, you're not really good at exponential math are you Ron? At least not outside your own bank account.

  7. Raskin really doesn’t know there are opposing opinions with a scientific theory? He acts like there is only one opinion on it. So he never thought he might need a second opinion on the end of the world? This is insane shit.

  8. nothing to do but give all the red states that dont contribute to the economy of our country no help increases in the disaster relief funds run out theyre out. See then how much they appreciate GOP climate denying , Big Oil protecting, as year after year it gets worse. Afterall we cant afford it! 😊 Just ask the GOP senator!

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