1968 Deja Vu: RFK Campaign, Columbia Protests, DNC Chaos


Krystal and Saagar discuss the historic parallels between current protests on college campuses with the 1968 revolt against the Vietnam War.

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  1. I dont know about the Vietnam war protests. Where the police this brutal? And why were the police silent during the BLM protests when there were real destruction of property

  2. This fake populist is a product of the yankee conservative thinktank industry. Krystal has him on toast everytime he dares oppose her

  3. At least in the 60ies students knew where Vietnam was and whe division of the country. Yes the noise is the same but ignorance of world affairs is on krystals level

  4. So Big Money Donors, that give millions to Columbia University, are ok at putting their impeccable names on the line to continue supporting a University which has such a militant history of indoctrinating students.

  5. No. in 1968 AMERICA was at war and that was protested in MASS…

    We are NOT at war and there are no MASS protests, some colleges have a few hundred students, most of the others have BARELY 50…and many of these colleges have people NOT ATTENDING the college going there starting these things and taking part in them.

    RFK is not like Robert in any way other than initials.

    As for the Chicago convention, Mayor Daily was a STRONG mayor and would not take what the current beta Mayor of Chicago will.

    As for RFK hurting Trump with 13% of the vote….that is from NBC…give me a break.

  6. When RFK Jr. was on Bill Maher's show Real Time on Friday night 4/26, he brought up the point that during Pfizer's vaccine trials, the subjects that received the COVID vaccine had a 23% higher all cause death rate than the unvaccinated group. All cause death rate would include: heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, kidney failure, brain aneurysms, etc. If there was a 23% higher all cause death rate among the vaccinated, wouldn't that be a red flag for the FDA or Pfizer to do more research? Why isn't Trump, Biden or the media addressing this? Is Kennedy the only one who cares about the quality of our public health system and the health of the country? Is our government so captured that our health is an after thought.

  7. Wait, what, Saagar?! Tell that to your biased cohost VBNMW Kball who says the same abt 2024 as she erroneously did about 2020. R u really that blind? Or just afraid to personally call out your cohost like you’re so willing to call out Dems?

  8. Lets be honest. The protests are erupting because the weather is nice and the students have completed their classes…. classic political theater.

  9. Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes. Mix in a little MK Ultra and we get TDS…idk 😶

  10. Killing innocent children….so they don't become future terrorists.?? "This is reminicient of Hitler's Germany" (BB), is it not ? This Apartheid State is responsible for the non-voting, non-citizens of their country. South Africa was not even this evil but "Hitler's Germany" most definitely was. How are the Israeli Zionists so awfully hypocritical ? Sure BB use the the dreadful Holocaust times as a comparison…..We can see through your cynical Hypocrasy !

  11. I think there are certainly parallels. Actors from every level can certainly take notes, and draw insights from the 68 case(s) , but these two periods are wildly different.

    Mainly, the vested interests of the American people are wildly different. The draft created chaos. Those students protesting had an existential battle on their hands. The men risked being drafted, while the women risked losing their brothers, extended family, boyfriends, friends, and other close people within their circle.

    I imagine many are sympathetic to the crisis at hand, but the interests and preferences of these two landscapes are two dissimilar to claim a direct 1:1 comparison.

  12. I hope so. LBJ QUIT on y’all, Nixon WON, and the leftist movement BROKE and stared to wash ashore. 20 year democrat here and I’m OUT… you people are more dangerous than Maga loving Russians.

  13. In 68 it was liberal Jews promoting the protests. Now it’s the Jews trying to figure out how to dismantle the monster they created. Irony is a thing.

  14. look at the port that Israel and the USA are currently building in Gaza. it's serious, as you know there are going to be aid boats arriving from Istanbul and read carefully, the Israeli state says, that they want to supervise this aid, although full of trucks are in front of the Egyptian border. This is crazy, I think Israel needs psychiatric therapy. they kill and now they want to help. of course they are going to steal all this aid intended for Gaza. watch this video, and look at the surface of this port. show it to the whole world. I want the world to know what Israel does to the Palestinians, a state of liars, crooks and above all good actors who constantly victimize themselves. https://youtu.be/bo5x_P53gx8?si=A-ihbguDn75Pfu0H

  15. You guys going to address the leaked video of Marshall Kosloff admitting to getting paid to be a pro Israel protester years ago? He needs to answer to that and he works for you

  16. Labeling everything either anti or pro is too simplistic and delusional and it is exactly what those people want to build controlled opposition in controlled political framework in game theory.
    You are forced to think within Overton window that those people brainwash you to think. Go completely outside of controlled political framework and examine things completely objectively to see that it is not about left vs right, rather these students simply want genocide of Palestinians by Israel to be stopped. If genocide stops, protest will stop. It is simple.

    The Neocon RINOs want socialist authoritarian totalitarianism police state like SS and gestapo combined by mixing safe protest guaranteed by free speech and crimes like robbery. Their arguments are getting more dangerous than ever just like radical leftists like Naz who were socialist totalitarianism. These extremists on both sides are the dangerous ones. It is about “Defund Police BS “ and “Patriot Act Censorship BS” and they completely lost their minds on free speech guaranteed by the first amendment. These RINOs are no different from socialist authoritarian totalitarianism like Naz.

    It is unfortunate for the president Trump that Republican Party is occupied by too many RINOs who want socialist authoritarian totalitarianism police state like SS and gestapo combined for the president Trump to deconstruct and reconstruct without fully destroying it and it seems almost impossible for him to do so unless he can make it seem as if reconstruction took place and it was successful somehow, which of course, people will find out the reality soon or later though. Obviously, there are a lot of pressure on the president Trump to go pro Israel to take Israel leaning position and that is why he came up with middle ground where he could agree on foreign aid as loan which is backed up by other countries the US forced to back up and later they can secretly will resolve with payment exemptions which the US has done so many times for so many years to write off the payments of foreign aid loans.

    Meanwhile Biden may pressure these students to shut up by using student loans that he plan to write off and their employment after they graduate, depending on how the president Trump will react. Biden may go different direction to take more neutral moderate positions as well. These students have voting powers in many states. Biden can take a rational neutral moderate position as political stunt to protect free speech at the same time he can support the position of defending nation as right of sovereign nations but genocidal method is strictly prohibited by international laws and international communities, which he can gain a lot of supports.

    The president Trump also can take rational neutral moderate position as well as his natural position but he already received endorsement and supports from TX governor Abbott which makes it difficult for him to decide. The president Trump may want to quietly watch it as it goes by and disappear.

    This could have same effect of 2020 election on 2024 election. The president Trump may need to act quickly to this before many of patriotic conservatives who remember and are disgusted by the hoax of war on terror and mass destruction weapon propaganda of Zionists and leave from supporting the president Trump, depending on how Biden react to this. This also may be a winning ticket to presidential election. The easiest solution without hurting any side is to announce stoppage of foreign aid to Israel by announcing that Israel can defend themselves.

  17. The protestors wish in a fever dream. This ain't the 60's. There is no visible counterculture whatsoever. There are no acidheads at the park. There is no revolution in the arts. They aren't even pushing back against the culture. They just hate Jews. It isn't rocket science. When you start parsing these people's world view. Every single time the antisemitism is revealed.

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