David Sampson, American Property Casualty Insurance Association president and CEO, joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the surging auto and home insurance costs, what’s driving the rising insurance rates,
Home Business and Financial 40-year record high inflation is main driver behind rising insurance costs: APCIA...
This guy is on point too – he knows his stuff but not a lot of good solutions ever since it’s so complex
This is 100% the main driver of inflation now
People confuse rising prices with the cost of goods and services going up. That is not the case. The value of the currency is going down, and that drop in value shows up in "higher prices." This is what happens when you print trillions of dollars out of thin air and send them to people during covid. People figured it was something for nothing, but that is not how life works. We are paying for those checks now in inflation.
Grey man bad !!! Orange man good !!!
Same car, same coverage. Tripled over the past year. Blue no matter who though! Democracy is at risk, we must all push forward with unwavering support for Joe!
Don't be fooled or forget. Gas prices took off when Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline day one & started his push for EV cars. High gas prices = high prices for food/products !
Trump 2024
I thought Democrats were going after the rich? Yet, every big company is making more than ever, while we suffer. Insurance companies are the worse!!
They just had Steve Rattner on Morning Joe, and he claimed gas prices only rose a little over 1% for March. I don't know what state he lives in, but in MD, the price of gas went up 30 cents a gallon for regular, seemingly overnight, which by my math is 10%. It dropped back 5 cents, since then. Interest rates only effect oil and food prices indirectly, they need to get food chain gouging and oil profits under control. We may be producing more oil than ever before, but it isn't translating to lower prices because oil companies get billions in profits every year, since the oil embargo of 1974.
They should do the nuclear option and make it so car insurance is not mandatory like NH and VA. Car insurance is half the price in NH and VA as it is in FL and NY.
Someone said that it's time to be concerned when you start to see individuals shoplifting groceries rather than big-screen televisions, and i agree. Truth is, inflation will never reach 2% ever again, maybe in the next life, but not this one. Anyone purchasing groceries and gasoline is aware that real inflation is much over 10%; they simply lie about it like cheap blankets. In reality, interest rates would be in the 20s because of how high inflation is. But then despite the severe bear market, I am aware of certain investors that continue to earn over $365,000. Wish I could accomplish that.
Insurance is State regulated. The consolidation within the industry is extensive. Inflation was equal to what it is today in the 90
S yet price wars existed every year, premiums lower year over year. Note industry spends excessively on ads , why ??
Remember What AIG did to our economy in 2008. Never trust Insurance Cos.
Inflation was higher in 90 s yet insurance companies were cutting rates every year. Note they cannot spend enough on advertising. They are ripping off America and GOP loves it. Industry has seen a significant consolidation. Insurance Cos rip off consumers.
Corporate profits.
The insurance business is so Awash in cash!
My car insurance went up 35% in my homeowner's insurance went up 50% this is a bunch of crap!
The climate card is bs!
This is the biggest laughable scam.
I wonder how many illegal immigrants are driving with car insurance and driver licenses?
Insurance went up because they can. Period.
Inflation is just a cover.
We are not looking at all the reasons why rates have been going up. Look at the TV commercials. Who they are hiring to do these commercials & when these commercials are being aired (Like: Sporting events, High-cost TV events & shows). – You indirectly pay for all that.
Insurance company profits are exploding so this is all BS when it’s spun as just covering expenses rising.
Great piece on how destructive inflation is and how regressive it’s pain is distributed
How about stop the big unearned bonuses for insurance execs, and the big parties. Inflation is just the latest excuse to price gouge.
He didn't answer her question about healthy reported profits for ins. companies.
Inflation won't affect rich people. Only the middle class will be affected.
Please interview Professor Steve Hanke re inflation and hyperinflation at the macro level.
Thanks Feeble Joe Biden!! We are now paying more on the interest on our debt… Then we do on the military! Not to mention 8.5 unvetted Illegals!
for deacdes you did not pay for insurance claims. when you started to pay it hurts you? i think we need to make insurance not mandatory again. stop using the government to sell us insurance. how about that
no safe place? if somewhere was safe, we dont need insurance. wtf is this guy talking about? oh right we need 300 percent profit margins with no risk.
When the media says inflation they give CEOs like this an EXCUSE to raise rates.
High inflation? Thanks to the stimulus of covid. Rich people love the stimulus because that money eventually inflates the asset prices much more than inflation, poor people love the stimulus because they are too dumb to realize that couple thousand bucks today will end up inflation which more than eats into their purchasing power. Dumb poor and sneaky rich never a good mix
This guy is full of shitake – The insurance rates are 3-5x inflation. 40% increase in materials BAHHHAAA What a LIE. This guys is just sewing total BULL Shtake – HE IS A HACK FOR THE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Sounds like California is doing it right.
This align with US 2024 new invented economic concept. Overcapacity of cheap & good quality products are bad for US consumers. It’s good to keep inflation up & more expensive products. 😊
Corporate profits and people driving $80K SUVs is driving inflation. You can't stop inflation as long as there is excessive greed.
Inflation just moves the numbers bigger, from pay to expenses. Not that big of a deal unless you’re on the loser end of pay.
At least you can get ( home ) insurance . How about ( cos that offer ) no home policies , then no ( underwriting ) car policies . Insurers ARE gouging policyholders , and lawmakers are complicit .( PAC $ ).
Bidenomics…but at least no more mean tweets
Biden’s America
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