Acting Labor Sec. Julie Su: Going to move ‘heaven and earth’ to help respond to bridge collapse


Acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the latest developments in the Baltimore bridge collapse, the economic impact of the disaster, how much federal funds should be spent to rebuild the bridge, the importance of Port of Baltimore, and more.



  1. He asked about payer for bridge but we heard about importance of port. Port is different than bridge. Port doesn’t need a bridge. Port is good with no bridge. Port should be back in less than a month.

  2. Biden is rushing to Baltimore and they will move "heaven and earth" for this liberal voting area, but the people of Palestine Ohio were told to deal with things on their own and the water was safe to drink. Ohhh and Joe Biden waited a year to visit and only did that because it was on his way to a fundraiser on the west coast. #TRUMP2024

  3. Lost count of the number of times she used the word "workers" in her replies. Xi would be proud. Meanwhile, repairing the bridge is all about the "workers" — no mention of employers and investors and commercial interest.

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