America’s Newest Outsourced Job: Public School Teachers


Outsourcing jobs is nothing new to the United States. The country has been recruiting foreign labor to do its dirty work for decades — farmers, meat-packers, home healthcare workers, cooks. But now the U.S. needs teachers, and it needs them badly.

The same conditions that have led thousands of U.S. educators to strike and protest — like stagnant wages, underfunded schools, and overcrowded classrooms — have also contributed to a long list of vacancies in virtually every state.

The Department of Education’s database suggests there are 46 states with vacancies (47 if you include the District of Columbia). And each of them has sizable needs that span several disciplines. Some states need teachers in all grades for almost all subjects.

So public schools have been getting creative.

Over the past decade, school districts around the U.S. have quietly begun using the J-1 visa program, which was originally created as a means of temporary cultural exchange, to fill persistent teacher vacancies. And no country has stepped up quite like the Philippines. In 2009, there were only a handful of public schools with Filipino teachers on J-1 visas, according to data from the U.S. Department of State. Today, there are more than 500, spanning at least 19 states throughout the country.

VICE News Tonight traveled to Manila to report on what’s slowly becoming America’s newest outsourced job, and embeds with the first 27 Filipino teachers hired by Chicago Public Schools.

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  1. VICE News Tonight traveled to Manila to report on what's slowly becoming America's newest outsourced job, and embeds with the first 27 Filipino teachers hired by Chicago Public Schools.
    WATCH NEXT: Why Charter Schools May Be the Future of Public Education –

  2. I hoped @ViceNews could have done a follow up on how Joanna and the other teachers were doing in Chicago. Joanna is just so positive and hopeful that people can't help but root for her to be able to do what she does best and help make a change in a child's life.

  3. I love the lady sitting there stereotyping Americans in order to "educate" a group of foreign teachers. I don't even want these people teaching other peoples kids let alone my own. Who would want their kids to learn from someone that isn't even a part of the country whose kids they're teaching? You can't argue that it isn't beneficial to have someone who understands the American experience teach kids how to live, and hopefully thrive, here in America (although I'm sure someone will try).

    Of course, when the kids here are such a deterrent, so much so that we can't get enough educators willing to teach them, we need to take a step back and reflect on the real problems in the country. Mainly that when no one can afford a reasonable standard of living the entire social fabric of the country starts to deteriorate at an alarming rate.

  4. All of my BEST teachers were Filipino. There were many of them when I attended Catholic school. The amount of educational attention they give is so beyond what they are asked for to do. Oh! and they’re very sweet, but don’t mess around with them when you start acting stupid. Because they don’t play that game. They’ll be just fine in Chicago who those ruff kids. They really do go beyond.

    Here in NYC it’s quite common to get teachers who are from overseas teaching private schools. I’m grateful to all of them. There was a moment I attended to public school and realize how behind students were in their curriculum. They were courses that I had already passed that even when I was put into an AP class it was not enough. That’s when I started to learn the difference between public and private funding on the American school system.

    Anyway the J-1 visa is very common for employing educational teachers and medical tech personnel.

  5. So long as we Americans don't want to do certain jobs because they are too demanding or underpaid, there will be people from other countries that will do those jobs, whether it's in our own country (by immigrants who will work those jobs) or outside our country (those positions will be outsourced to workers located in another country). While this often helps many small business owners and corporations since this usually means they can reduce costs (and while this may lower prices of goods and services), it often ends up hurting American workers. We are giving away so many of our jobs because we think we are worth more. Maybe we are worth more, but the global economy says if we don't want to work those jobs, immigrants or outsourcing will fill in those positions with our without us.

  6. 0:16 no lies detected, it’s just a greeting. No one cares or want to actually help if there was an issue you bring up, just wrinkled eyebrows, and, “Aw, I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  7. This isn't a solution. The foreigner workers will now just be dealing with the same crap from both students and from administrators. The problems in American schools include administrators and school boards, as well as the NEA, and taking federal funds. But the main problems is liberal culture and liberal philosophy.

  8. I like seeing fellow filipinos getting a break here in US but also sad for the teachers local here who were struggling with the current system. This is just a patch for the problem and not a permanent solution..with the current system in place more and more teachers were getting phased out because of E learning and sooner this teachers will be teaching from a different country inside a computer classroom.

  9. As a native born American, having to leave America to move to Manila Philippines for job opportunities such as an English teacher is ironic, sad, and pathetic for what America is supposed to stand for(so much for the American dream). I'm supposed to have an opportunity in America, not the other way around(leave America to find job opportunities in Asia/Manila Phillipines).I have more opportunity in Manila Phillipines than in my very own motherland America; America should be ashamed of themselves and embarrassed of this unfortunate and awkward event. And of course, I am a minority male in America's eyes. My situation shouldn't be happening, but it is, and the quality of life for me is better here in Manila Phillipines than in America(NYC). I can get a decent condo for $700 in Manila with AC, internet, and electric bill included; meanwhile the rent in America NYC is at least $1500 for an appointment in the ghetto (Such as the South Bronx or East Brooklyn).This is a paradox for what America is supposed to stand for, and America needs to fix this awkward mess. My situation destroys almost everything what this video stands for (Fair American job opportunities and America teaching opportunities).Migrants first right NYC…This is beyond pathetic (my awkward outcome), and this is a very bad look for America (social injustice). Youtube will probably take this down because they don't like it when people like me speak the truth regarding the social injustices in America. At this point, I don't know what America means nor what the American Dream means anymore.. It's NYC/America's fault for creating this bizarre mess..

  10. I am a middle school teacher and I found her anti- American bias against Americans bigoted and inaccurate. The US is not monolithic and every region has different issues. If we taught teachers attitudes like these towards other cultures people would be apoplectic!

  11. As a Filipino, my heart goes out to these teachers looking for greener pastures. I'm excited for them, but at the same time, quite fearful as well. I hope their schools and students treat them right because once they get accepted into those positions, I know they will give 100% of their abilities. They've given that and more for much less pay here in the Philippines. I just hope they encounter good people there. Prayers to Joanna and the rest of my kababayan teachers!

  12. Chicago? Yikes! You can never pay me to teach in America. I just hope that the Filipino teacher recruiter prepared these teachers who they will be dealing with. In the Philippines, teachers are respected both by the students and their parents. But, American students and their parents specially in inner schools like Chicago are different. Good luck and I pray that they stay strong in body and spirit to withstand these entitled, undisciplined evil American students.

  13. This is such a win-win. Teachers who want to teach and need to a job are willing to leave their homes half-way around the world to come here and teach our children. School districts now have no excuse for continuing to employee incompetent educators.

  14. Can I ask anyone here please?
    Do you think college professors in a huge public university like Texas A&M, are underpaid? (i think A&M is the largest in US)
    I am a Filipino. Thanks to those who will answer! 🫶

  15. I’m WHITE, like a cross between Robin Williams and Conan O'Brian. I only tan in little spots called Freckles. I am also a Trump supporter and I’m gay married. The thing I regret DEEPLY, probably the most is that ALL, everyone, not one single exception from 1970-1982, I was schooled by ONLY Redneck Whites and Dumbass Blacks. I had six Black teachers and every single one of them was a stereotype for the ghetto sister-girl broken neck syndrome. What I wish, now that school is long gone and over, is I would have had a Spaniard, a French, A German and that languages would have been MANDATORY. Grown up now decades ago and only at 55 did I realize the cultural awareness, the telescopic paradigm shift from microscopic that learning Spanish would have given me! I’ve ALWAYS hated English because it’s not American, it’s British! Now that I identify as a Spaniard and I can read REAL Literature and books. All those crappy years wasted. The one thing I am glad of is, I got out! I went to Spain after High School and I didn’t turn out like my entire 1,200 graduation class. They’re all stupid, redneck Jesus freaks or in jail and I’m so grateful I am not!!

  16. Time for teachers unions to fold, and incompetent teachers to seek other employment.
    Sad to say that Americans lack of work ethic, and lowered standards has given non citizens, and ununionized folks a leg up, which will probably lead to our public schools education system ending as we have known it!!!

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