AOC Pretends to be a Lawyer at IRS Whistleblower Testimony – Kweisi Mfume Guest Appearance


During an IRS whistleblower testimony, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) made assertions that seemed unrelated to the Biden family investigation, instead focusing on former President Trump. This led to criticism from some who believe Democrats are still fixated on Trump (TDS) despite his absence from office for over three years. A guest appearance by Representative Kweisi Mfume further defended Hunter Biden, claiming he was not involved in any wrongdoing.

The testimony revolved around the ongoing investigation into the Biden family, particularly Hunter Biden, with IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley alleging tax felonies committed by him between 2014 and 2019. The investigation originated during the Trump administration.



  1. AOC is about as phony of a lagal scholar as they come , she needs to go back to being a bartender, maybe she's better at that than she is in the house of representatives

  2. I'd like to know who put this woman in our government…she needs to go back to waiting on tables. Stupid just like everyone else in this administration. It's no wonder why they think Biden is a great president…they are all stupid.
    God help us. Trump 2024

  3. How come democrats always talk about Trump and bring up things that are old news. They never stick to anything current, and they can’t get Trump off their minds.

  4. She loves the sound of her own voice. Also, to state that an investigation in Congress shouldn't be political is at best… naive. This has been NOTHING but political since day one!

  5. Your right no intelligent life form sitting in your chair .. then let's add Cortez whose so stupid, that this IMBICIL, couldn't figure out how to turn a door knob to enter a room

  6. Not only is she manipulating this hearing's original agenda, deflecting the merit, picking at straws…she's turning this event into anti-Trump political campaign!!!
    Over-the-top oratory…typical for the obedient soldier…pure disgust!

  7. what AOC just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

  8. I thought the purpose of congressional hearings was to hear from witnesses. All these libtard congress people did was give speeches that attempted to prove their points. They failed.

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