Background Checks are “Racist” in Biden’s America


The Feds are suing the convenience store Sheetz for “discrimination” in its hiring process, but the truth of what’s really going on here will make you roll your eyes at the ridiculous Biden administration’s war on common sense. Pat Gray and the guys break it all down.

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  1. Why aren't we asking why a disproportionately high amount of crime is being done by such a small portion of the population. Higher crime is higher taxes for police and damage, and theft and I'm sick of paying a disproportionately higher amount of it

  2. How does braindead even know that Sheetz does this? I mean he might easily find out that they do back ground checks, but he knows for a fact, like he has the documented statistics, that Sheetz has disproportionally not hired black and brown people because they failed background checks?

  3. I think when braindead visited Sheetz while he was on his campaign trail, didn’t get an enthusiastic welcome like Trump gets, so he’s retaliating!!! Here in PA, we love our Sheetzs!!!

  4. So should I be Forced to hire someone who I know will Steal from me? Almost old enough to retire and close up shop.

    Hey joe potato head 😠👶🏼🖕🏻

  5. Every company does a background check. So the real reason that FJB is suing sheets is not because of their diversity which they have it’s because the Democrats are broke and need money to win an election. FJB would also like the criminals crossing the border to take away American jobs.

  6. There was one time last year that sheetz lowered their gas price to just under $2 per gal I believe it was on thanksgiving or after.

  7. It's the ACLU making a mockery out of our justice system…. And that's coming right out of the United Nations along with them NGOS who are sponsoring all this Invasion and destruction of our justice system..
    And border laws with the help of the Traitors the MARXISTS DEMOCRATIC

  8. THAT'S EXACTLY HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE, PERIOD! If you are an employer conducting hiring interviews, a criminal/credit background check is performed as a standard measure of "employee quality control". Say your business is selling mid-priced to expensively priced product. Now, just suppose you have, say five applicants and, three of the b/c checks returned clear while one is returned with a credit hit and, the last has a notation from a larceny conviction. Does ANYONE really expect either of the last two candidates to be hired? If you answer yes, then you should never be part of a human resources hiring team. If, however, you have a "LOGICAL AND VALID" reason to employ such people, I'd be willing to entertain your explanation. Anyone?

  9. More blacks do crack, so. Therefore you need to stop doing drug tests. Because crack addicts deserve to work with the public inconvenience. Stores as much as any other ax murderers.

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