Best Argument to Skip College and Start a Business


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  1. Charlie, don't forget about the medical field. There are lots of jobs in that field that don't require a 4-year degree. Medical techs, pharmacy techs, phlebotomy, they require school, but not necessarily a bachelor's degree.

  2. I studied a BA in Telecommunications (cum laude) after high school and then Recording Arts in Full Sail, both universities offered easy job finding after graduation. No one has given me the opportunity to make use of any diploma; but the frustration to work for 20+ years in whatever, to cover living expenses. So, in my experience…that guy sitting, is telling a reality. Even a truck driver makes more money (average 50k-60k) than a surgeon!!

  3. well companys hire people..on the basis they're young and can abuse to get their moneys worth…….only college degree would be with anything related to maths..and thats a maybe… depending on the type of maths required

  4. Noone wants to make stuff…they want a white collar job…takes five guys making stuff to justify one white collar worker…nobody would have a job if nothing is made…do your bit and make something fuckers.

  5. Most skilled jobs require formal education. It's very difficult, if not impossible, to convince a licensing board to let you sit for an exam if you don't have a certificate or diploma from an accredited school. Barber, plumber, mechanic, pilot, police officer, firefighter, paramedic, nurse, wildlife technician, etc. all require formal education. If you want to teach K-12 you will have to have a four-year degree as well as a teaching certification. If you want to manage a federal fish hatchery you will have to get a bachelors degree. If you want to teach at a college you will at need a graduate degree. Degrees per se are not a "scam." What's a scam is the student loan program. I hold three degrees in biology, two professional certifications in allied health, one in electronics, and have completed four years of graduate studies in philosophy. I simply loved going to college and did so for twenty years before I started teaching at a college myself. I never took out a single loan. How did I pay for college? I worked. I worked 20 hours a week during the school year and 60 hours a week over the summer. Besides work, I took advantage of every scholarship and governmental grant I could qualify for. I also served a stint in the US Army to get the GI Bill, but I didn't slack off work while I was using it because I knew that I'd need more money when it ran out for graduate school and post-graduate studies. I ended up teaching biology and natural resources technology at a community college. It didn't pay much but I really enjoyed interacting with the students. I never got rich but I've worked at so many different jobs and have obtained so much life experience that I can usually find somethign that I have in common with just about anyone.

  6. As someone who dropped out of college first semester and went all in on a business I can say college isn't for everyone. In general though you need a plan for your life after high school and a good one. Don't not go to college to start a business that's hasn't been built up yet, build it up while in high school or while working a regular job or at community college.

  7. Join the military. That exposes you to numerous jobs, peoples, places, and things you can use in civilian life. My buddy learned how to install field communication phones in Vietnam. When he came home the telephone company scooped him up, and he had a successful 40 year career with them with advances all with a HS diploma. My grandson was a HS honor student, but wanted to be a mechanic. He went to trade school, and now works at an agricultural equipment repair facility in Illinois. They paid for his training with the agreement that if he stayed with them at least three years his debt would be forgiven. No college will do that.

  8. Alternatives: Locomotive engineer +$100K year, Haul Truck driver +$100K per year, with just a highschool education. By definition, your going to be at least $400K ahead of a college graduate. Both my best friend, and ex partner, were engineers. My friend had bachelor degrees in Geology and Engineering. His employment was episodic throughout his entire career, despite reaching CEO positions. At 73, he’s essentially broke, and leads less of a life in retirement than my neighbour who was a heavy equipment operator his entire life. My ex is an engineer, and reached $90K/yr in her late forties. In the meantime, the locomotive engineer has been making +$100K per year for twenty years. Oh, and don’t think for a second that someone in engineering is still enjoying the “challenge” of their work. By your early thirties, you’re just like every other 9-5 chump out there, working to pay bills, and wishing they could do something else. The alternatives don’t advertise; you have to put in the effort to find them. This is why kids are so easily hoodwinked and betrayed by the university system. I’m 57, and have never had to use my education in the workplace once. Those four years were the biggest waste of my time and money, and going to university is an enduring regret. Even when I was young, I had an intuitive notion that it was all BS.

  9. My gripe is majors like nursing have to take courses like history etc WHY??? it would take one less year to get a bachelors degree if they’re foolish classes were eliminated and yes, I feel like those are foolish classes. Let’s learn the basics for what you need for your career.

  10. Seriously, if you want to go to college, go to college, if you want to go to trade school, go to trade school. Do something that makes you happy and sustains your life style. Period

  11. College was one of my biggest mistakes. No diploma. I make more money today than I would have if I stuck with it though. I'm still paying it off.
    I wish I had taken a year off after high school to travel and understand the world prior to deciding what to do with my life.

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