Biden’s 2024 Run In Jeopardy As 3 States Threaten To Leave Him Off The Ballot


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President Joe Biden’s 2024 re-election bid faces a potential crisis as the Democratic National Convention’s scheduled dates conflict with ballot certification deadlines in crucial swing states Ohio, Alabama, and Washington. Election officials warn that Biden risks being left off the November ballot if the DNC fails to certify their nominees before the states’ respective cutoff dates. The convention, set for August 19th, falls days after the August 15th deadline in Alabama and the August 20th deadline in Washington. Ohio’s deadline is even earlier, on August 7th. As the Biden campaign scrambles to address this issue, they argue that state officials have the ability to grant provisional ballot access prior to the conclusion of the nominating convention, citing precedent from the 2020 election when similar accommodations were made for the Republican party. However, with Republican-controlled legislatures in these states, it remains to be seen whether they will act to ensure Biden’s inclusion on the ballot. The DNC’s scheduling blunder has put Biden’s access to key electoral battlegrounds in jeopardy, setting the stage for a high-stakes political showdown as the 2024 race heats up. Will lawmakers intervene, or will Biden be forced to sit out the election in these critical states?

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  1. Dems are watering at the mouth for a Trump win. Two days after election, everything Joseph messed up will be announced by dems and msm as Trump’s fault. Think it can’t happen? The amount of gullible people in the US is significantly higher than many would imagine.

  2. They;(DNC) will most likely let it ride. They too know this is a shitshow. Biden didnt win in 2020. All those poll predictions that have picked past presidents since ever since, were absolutely incorrect in 2020? Nope, not buying it. Plus, the "world" had seen the evidence of ballot harvesting, mules and absentee ballots discarded by USPS dressed people is just a disgrace and the "world" knows it. The leftist Americans have no idea. Obama, Hillary and Biden with the Uniparty sold out the USoA to China. All are guilty of aiding and abetting illegal immigrants in the next election (Yuup) and giving or allowing China to take the USoA's intellectual property. The enemies of the USoA have reengineered most of their secrets (weaponary, methods and sources, strategic locations) and likely selling it to other countries. Thanks to Milley

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