Bill Maher makes grim prediction about Trump in 2024


Comedian and talk show host Bill Maher sits down with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria to discuss the 2022 midterm elections and what could happen if former President Donald Trump runs for office again in 2024. #CNN #news



  1. The thing about Trump that has been missed a lot is his ability to make his supporters believe they are in control of him!
    Review his need to take credit for the Covid vaccine.

  2. Family disarray, economic insecurity, education/indoctrination, government corruption, no religious homogeneity…..America will not continue as we have known her….
    This divided house will not stand unless there is a sweeping turn around in our Lives.

  3. So we had four years of Trump and 'election deniers' who said Trump was an illegitimate president and then all of a sudden anyone who questions Biden's election is a terrorist conspiracy theorist. You can't have it both ways. If you question Trump's election or if you question Biden's election, it's okay. We should all be asking questions and making sure to hold BOTH parties accountable because there is massive corruption on BOTH sides.

  4. You act like Biden is so great.
    100,000 addicts dead per year, among them thousands of teens and children. A true War's worth. Soooo many more using.
    500,000 homeless in America
    Millions more almost homeless, living in shacks.
    Millions under employed while the 1% and the IRS steal from the rest, steal because they can't even create housing and healthy food, the latter which would cut Medicare in half.
    Girls absolutely not safe; drugged and raped or just raped period by the millions by men and boys in this country. The unreported numbers are staggering.
    Two wars now. Our taxes killing tens of thousands of people and counting. Madness.

  5. Bill Mahar. How is this Not public knowledge??Trump has been talking code since coming onto the political scene!!! The first election he won he did it by cheating! HOW? By many many accusations of the other side (dems) cheating and making sure his rednk followers had detailed instructions of HOW the democrats were going to cheat so they could fight back by doing same!! They did! They cast ballots for those who werent going to vote!! Trump did talk code saying VOTE twice make sure your brother votes your mom votes your dad etc ie If you have a family member you're sure isn't voting, go do it for them!!
    The more detailed instructions were on the Republican Facebook forums and pushed by the thousands of Russian fake profiles giving the details on the only way cheating couldn't be detected as an en mass operation. Thousands doing it individually not in groups!!

  6. Bill Mahar. How is this Not public knowledge??Trump has been talking code since coming onto the political scene!!! The first election he won he did it by cheating! HOW? By many many accusations of the other side (dems) cheating and making sure his rednk followers had detailed instructions of HOW the democrats were going to cheat so they could fight back by doing same!! They did! They cast ballots for those who werent going to vote!! Trump did talk code saying VOTE twice make sure your brother votes your mom votes your dad etc ie If you have a family member you're sure isn't voting, go do it for them!!
    The more detailed instructions were on the Republican Facebook forums and pushed by the thousands of Russian fake profiles giving the details on the only way cheating couldn't be detected as an en mass operation. Thousands doing it individually not in groups!!

  7. Oh settle down CNN / Bill… "grim" 70 plus million people in this country wouldn't use the word grim.. They'd say wonderful… The leftie media has done everything in its power to destroy TRUMP and have failed.. because the people decide who is president. Not the lib media… I CANNOT wait for TRUMP to win and watch the lib tears flow and the whining will be terrific. CNN / MSNBC should be praying for a TRUMP win.. they will get more viewers and more money…

  8. It's amazing how bill Maher and all Democrats for that matter KNOW THAT THEY ARE GOING TO CHEAT'but don't say that ….they just call us "election deniers" but don't want to talk about the fact that they maid sure every avenue to cheat is open to them …he KNOWS TRUMP WELL WIN IF Every vote gets counted and no voted get counted twice …and dead people dont vote……so they trying to pave the way in advance that no no no these are not patriots fighting for there rights to have the voted counted properly… these
    are election deniers ……just look at the "battle of Athens 1946". That should tell you you need to know about the democratic party and how they do things

  9. I'm a conservative and I "self-deported" two years ago. Life as an expat and a nomad capitalist is amazing! Now I'm watching America implode from the outside looking in, and I'm glad I'm nowhere near that mess anymore.

  10. It's surreal hearing Maher talk about a Trump coupe and "army of deniers," and how "it could only happen in other countries," and the threat to democracy, after a year of Letitia James inventing fraud charges out of thin air, Fanny Willis attacking Trump in Georgia, states trying to deny millions of voters their candidate of choice, charging Trump with keeping classified documents illegally, while Biden kept them in boxes in his garage, and accusing Trump of breaking an "emoluments clause," after Biden threatened to cut off aid to Ukraine if their top prosecutor wasn't taken off the Burisma investigation there (where his son had been inexplicably appointed to the Board of Directors). It's almost like the Democratic Party is behind an election takeover, and not Trump. To the outside observer, the very concerted energy expended trying to prevent an opposition to Biden seems very banana republic.

  11. Zakaria making false dichotomies, "rural, less educated…" and Maher not flinching, but accepting it. I think "more" educated is demonstrably not "better" educated. Really, I'm not seeing better educated taking over our cities.

  12. What people do not remember is that President Trump advised Pelosi to have additional security at the capital building and she refused. In addition, he TOLD his supporters to protest peacefully. If you are looking for someone to blame for January 6th, look elsewhere. It wasn't Trumps doing.

  13. Why is this still up when it is clearly Disinformation, so many misspoken "facts" about Jan 6. Face it, if you had not cheated in 2020 you would be done with Trump soon and had a more stable country to work with. You deliberately spread false information as Barrack Obama suggested to muddy the waters of clear thinking. Now no one trust you and Trump is clearly set to win again but this time He won't have to stay as you keep lying that he intended. He will have several like him to back up his presidency with solid votes based on his record vs your dead man walking's record of failure for the purpose of spite.

  14. Its not about college education. Its about people going tribal and blindly, fervently following a person who is a definition of a dictator. People will exchange freedoms for sense of security. Which is sad. I know many conservatives, centrists, progressives who have good ideas and good trains of thought, however all those good discussions get drowned in a circus maximum environment. The Romans used to say that an entertained mob is a mob that does not turn against you no matter who bad you lead. As long as you give them Drinking, Dancing and Gambling the mob will let you do as you want including pushing away the people who can help economy, social issues and securities go forward.

  15. This opens up with "cancel culture." Fer Frig's sake. Want to spew bigoted, offensive, sexist s**t? Go ahead. The rest of us who give a damn about others have the right to call you out. The deep irony of those howling "cancel culture" want to stifle other people's right to free speech. And what Maher is calling old-time conservatism, your Archie Bunker uncle – that is long gone. The US (and much of the world) has not become "polarized", one "wing" has become radicalized. (And no, wanting equal rights for all is not being radical.)

    "This is not “polarization.” It is the authoritarian capture of much of the GOP by a right-wing movement bent on sowing chaos. Turkey, Hungary and other countries with autocratic strongmen are not polarized; democratic forces try their best to prevent their country’s ruin and collapse into total dictatorship. Our political scene, sadly, has come to resemble the global authoritarian assault on democracy."

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