On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, an African-American man, was killed in the Powderhorn community of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Businesses ranging from national chain stores to neighborhood pizza shops have been damaged in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Stunned store owners were still assessing their losses.
Ongoing protests over the death of George Floyd continue to rock the US as the online campaign Blackout Tuesday gathers pace worldwide.
#Minneapolis #Atlanta #riots #riots video compilation usa #protestors videos #Minneapolis events #mayhem in minneapolis #george floyd #american riots #american protestors #Riots aftermath #blackout tuesday #washington riots #antifa
That Fox live broadcast was like a scene out of a comedy sketch.
Peaceful protest huh?
Rioters really show how animalistic and uncivilized normal humans are. I do not mourn any death of aggressive/violent rioters at all. Ik this was long ago, but damn, some ppl are just unworthy of a good life.
In Panamà every business private and government has armed security guards and managers. GOM Gun Ownership Mattters
Panamanians don’t tolerate looters.
Anyone who tries to shoot them with a crossbow or run them over deserves what they get.
Depirt tgem to Liberia
Protest my ass
I recommend commissioning a troupe of Rooftop Koreans
Everyone wants to make a big deal about what happened at the capitol yet this was far more violent and no one talks about it. Fuck outta here with that bullshit.
They should all be shot.
How tf is looting helping the black community? This is why people stopped supporting the black lives matter movement
Wtf is wrong with these people!? There’s a special place in hell for people who think this type of behaviour is acceptable
Back the blue
People don't have a right to loot, destroy and burn private property.
People do have a right to defend what they built and defend their livelihood.
These are criminal delinquents, not protesters.
Cannon Hinnant, David Dorn, Veronica Baker
Jessica Doty Whitaker, Rasheen McClain, Lena Nunez, Jasean Francis, Charles Francis, Sha'India Harris,
Greg Lewis
Danyal Jones
Angelo Bronson
John Tiggs
Lazarra Daniels
Keishanay Holden
Sharrod Turner
Jaliel Jackson
Darius Jelks
Tyrel Clark
Jaquan Newman
Tommie Gatewood
Maurice Jelks
The black Americans who were murdered in Chicago on May 31st.
When the first cop breaks and hurts a protester, after 90 days of being treated this way, I will go a march in support of him or her.
Antifa flys the same flag, as the Communist Party, in Germany, in the 1930's….
Hundreds of BLM savages
This is going to change the world as we know it. You thought 9/11 changed the world? Wait for the backlash for what blm and the Democrat party will face soon.
I'll bet even George Floyd is puking right now.
1:59 poor white dude, how can this happen in USA where is the army the f police. This is not a protest now more
USA is a third world country with a GUCCI belt
The second video were disappointing cuz the guy should stepped on the gas and killed those freaks but the first and last clips were good especially the last lady tried to protect the business owners from getting hand cuffed.
That truck driver was a damn idiot
The one with the bow just trying to defend himself and his car. He shoulf have had a pistol. More then 1 shot
Police are fools….they arrest any black person they see how foolish can they get
Last part police idiots as always leaving the looters and arrest the owners
Madness 😷
Whattttt? 🤕
Dude pulled out a bow and arrow
I'm all for freedom of speech, but rioting, chaos, and anarchy are another thing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eCU1yRFJvk&t=2s
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