CNN ERUPTS when black Trump supporter and smug woke hack GO AT IT


CNN ERUPTS when black Trump supporter and smug woke hack GO AT IT

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  1. Hillary Clinton paid and bought a false dossier trying to have Trump put in prison and to me. That’s a hell of a lot worse than sleeping with a prostitute and paying her off.

  2. I will say it!! I don’t care if Trump sleeps with porn stars! His sexual preferences is none of my business. All I care about is the way he treats Americans and this country.

  3. Nothing would happen to Hillary these people are truly the enemy of the people, they are out of their minds what about Bill Clinton, she is a liar.
    Mike Conman did this.
    He was hiding this from his wife and that is the re truth, and he used trumps trust to do this.

  4. Isn't that Rick Wilson dude part of the Lincoln Project …. the Lincoln Project …. didn't some of their guys get in trouble for being " minor attracted " or whatever they're calling pedophilia this week ? ' May be just a rumor ……

  5. There’s a REASON why Obama compared himself to Reagan when he was running for the Presidency, and why Dems rarely criticize Reagan, even today: They both fear & admire his status as a “Transformational President” ( an honor only shared with one other President over the past 150 years : FDR)….

    For Dems, “Reagan” meant only one thing : “Revolution.” After his election, “Liberal” became a dirty word (and Conservatives were hip)…The Left lost (for over a decade) its stranglehold on the culture, as “trusted” voting blocs, like Unions, overwhelmingly broke ranks, and voted for the “New Day” Reagan promised (and largely delivered )…By Reagan’s second run for Office, the Left barely even put up a fight—too shell shocked over Reagan’s “48 State” Landslide to even contemplate their next move…

    Thanks for giving Reagan the credit he so richly deserves for what he did for Conservatism….We don’t say it often enough.

  6. Paying hush money to kill a story is not, never has been and never will be a crime yet this is supposedly the basis of this bogus trial. When you listen to the Hollywood Access tape in full and in context there is nothing wrong with what he said, he was describing the actions of gold digging women and he was 100% correct in his assessment.

  7. One thing that we can be assured of is that the vast majority of Trump voters will most likely get past this election with their ignorance intact.

  8. Didn't Trump (through Cohen) pay money to keep Stormy's mouth shut?
    Well she didn't, broke the contract, and now owes Trump a REFUND and damages!
    Pay Up Stormy- you made your bed!

  9. The people that are not trump supporters,,, They do not wanna hear the truth,, That Trump was a damn good president,, All this money would not be sent to other countries,, And it wouldn't be all these wars going on,, democrats can't face the truth…..TRUMP 2024…

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