Coronavirus Cases Top 2.3 Million in U.S., Houston Hospitals Filling Up


Jun.24 — Houston-area ICU beds are almost full as the state sees a new rise in coronavirus cases. Arizona, California and Texas all set records for new cases on Tuesday. Bloomberg’s Emma Court reports.



  1. So when hospitals go into surge care, they have to determine who gets admitted, who goes to to ICU based on severity . See NYC where for over 30 days during the crisis the only way to be admitted to a hospital was to have RD. ( respiratory distress). Being 80 and having covid with a fever? – sent home)
    This will increase the death rate.

  2. fcking media. they arent worry. they love this. they get to,talk about it everyday. if covid so fcking deadly all the medical workers would be dead. you dont hear any medical workers dying at an alarming rate or any rate at all and they are in grown zero everyday.

  3. Lot was one of the righteous prophets and his people committed a sin of sodomy, and he advised them to leave this sin because they are angry with God, but they did not listen to him, so God commanded his prophet to go out, and after his departure, God made them lose the earth and now spread in the western world all kinds of sins an anomaly of adultery

  4. yawn another new studio preaching to the people at home not to the violent protestors or rioters destroying and defacing everything. Wonder could be the reason why maybe because the reporter would get their head kicked in for showing up with a camera like the senator did but i guess that is what the news classifies as peaceful.

  5. It's like turning off the water because you discover a broken pipe and then thinking it will be ok without fixing it as long as you turn the water back on slowly.

  6. god bless to USA. you people protected ROK from the crisis of communism. and yesterday was Korean war Memorial day. I hope to the situation getting better than past.

  7. Food for thought Hong Kong ( one of the most crowded city’s in the world) only has 6 reported deaths. If hospitals are so overwhelmed why did none of overflow tent hospitals get used. Why are nurses being laid off nationwide. Why did the news report that protesting is ok unless it has to do with protesting Covid restrictions. Humanity is not a virus

  8. There must be as much as ten times the number of positives that have not been tested, that is what science says, so they should stop trying to put fear in the population with those numbers. How many cases we have in hospitals related with the ones positives, that is a number that should be considered, even that percentage would be inaccurate because as I mentioned before the number of positives is much more that the number we have in those reports.

  9. Could you please report that the chances of dying are 0,0005% …. in other words people are 99,9995% safe.
    Stop doing more harm than you have done so far. There are more people dying from your false claims than the virus. People must be aware of the truth and stop being scared …. being positive is like saying yes, you have the flu.a

  10. :00:00 "' Emma What is the level of nervousness about hospitalizations at this moment?"' What? Literally just spreading fear/anxiety for no benefit, and offering no information.

  11. Here we go again with everybody getting infected,hospitalized and dropping like flies,meanwhile I'm doing just great and enjoying life and everyone around me is doing great and enjoying life as well.
    Gee,I wonder how that is.
    Could it be that those like myself looks at this calmly,we learn and know how to take care of ourselves and we just don't listen to the corona news 24/7 neither do we pay any attention much to politicians and their so called experts.
    Living in constant state of panic will kill you just as much if not quicker than a virus and you will suffer more.

  12. Covid certification of vaccine identification ID2020 the media is ran by the elites whatever you die of is covid 19 you can get ran over by a steamroller and it would be covid 19

  13. Epic failure by Trump. This pandemic could have been a lay up for him and guaranteed his reelection. Instead he chose to ignore it and it will destroy his legacy. No more Reality Show host Presidents please.

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