Democratic Party Grows HOSTILE To Estabishment, Biden Challengers: David Sirota


Founder of Lever News’ David Sirota weighs in on the 2024 presidential election. #JoeBiden
Originally aired Apr 22, 2024

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  1. Biden is not allowed to have challengers. He would not be able to debate a 7 year old. The Democratic party must protect old Joe and be in lock step just like all Communists around the world. No decent allowed, only one opinion.

  2. First The Hill fires Katie Halper, for saying the same things that Bri and others are allowed to say, now they're suggesting the democratic party is somehow not part of the establishment.

  3. When Krystal and Saagar left Rising lost all its cred. Then Ryan and Emily came along and got some back. They they left and Rising was a soggy mess for a long while. But Briana Joy Gray brings the cred back! Good move, Rising.

  4. I would make the argument that while, yes, neither major party wants third parties to challenge them and this is why the debates have become the farse that they have become since the 1990s, it is the Democratic Party who fights the hardest to deprive the people of those choices at all. Why else is there always a Libertarian on the ballot but often no leftist third party option?

  5. What has the democratic party done for America? Besides opening the boarders and throwing American into a 3rd world country? Cartel taking over America? NY, Chicago, Cal., many other big beautiful cities completely destroyed? Children and women trafficking? American Citizens being murdered, robbed, tortured? Fentanyl/drugs/prostitution/slavery? We know all that, but tell us all something good that they've done. "We're all listening"

  6. Because you can bet it is Obama, not Joe, that is running the show. The DNC likes this and does not want any contenders pulling the curtain back on this arrangement….because they would be run out of the Country.

  7. This is probably one of your best shows I have watched. I don't agree with all he is saying. His statement on PARTY ISN'T fair FOR ALL of them. IF you are REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA, THEN at lest BE HONEST with yourself

  8. The DNC is equivalent to a politburo, complete with a secret police (FBI) and a propaganda corporate media. This includes the hill, which publishes liberal fake news daily!

  9. Cause they want Trump to win, this is crazy. Hopefully this is a once in a lifetime mess citizens have to go through, it's bonkers these camps are not even into competing for the job. 😢

  10. The DNC reminds me of my union local. Entrenched leadership, likely rigged elections, no tolerance for dissent, govern through fear mongering, disconnected from the membership, and propped up by a minority cult of vocal fanatics.

  11. 6:39 Clinton very well might have lost the general election without Ross Perot taking support from HW Bush. By the way, although Bush was terrible and losing support for many reasons, he was still the last US president to stand up to the Israel lobby as much as he did. He spent the last third of his presidency battling with them over the West Bank settlements. He and Carter were the two presidents who arguably tried the hardest to rein in these escaltory policies since JFK, and none of them saw a 2nd term.

  12. Put me on the show.

    No challengers because they are saving their money to cheat.

    Got to have a lot of money to pass this many ballots by the goalie.

  13. If not for Biden being an incumbent, it would be a very different story. However, the establishment will still make the rules because they have all the money.

  14. Unfortunately David is living in a bubble thinking Biden has a good economic message to tell. David has lost his way or perhaps never was there in that he is not close the the problems of the everyday American.

  15. Here we go again Brianna and Shill-rota pretending to criticize the DNC as a matter of “bad culture” in the party rather than the result of ruling class top down command and control.

  16. There was no primary because his challenger was RFK. They knew RFK was a threat to the DNC elites so they pushed him out. In the end they hurt themselves because RFK going third party hurts the Democrat chances greatly.

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