‘Divest from Israel’: Decoding the Gaza protest call shaking US campuses


The students protesting across the country have multiple demands, but one common cause, demanding schools stop doing business with Israel.
Many of the universities are in command of multi-billion-dollar endowments.
Students have demanded they withdraw their investments from companies that do business with Israel.
Protesters at the Ivy League Brown University are the first at an elite school to reach an agreement with their school.

Omar Barghouti is Founding member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.
He’s also the co-founder of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement also known as BDS.

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#GazaGenocide #FreePalestine #PalestineSolidarityProtests #GazaSolidarityEncampment #GazaSolidarityProtests #WarOnGaza #StopTheGenocide #GazaEncampment #CampusProtests #ProPalestineProtesters #ProIsraelProtesters



  1. The powerful ISREAL LOBBY GROUP are in charge they are embarrassed by what's happening in the universities they want to shut things down its all over the international media the ammunition factories have contracts to fulfill so no cease fire on the cards

  2. Paid Government Infiltrators ( $8,000 / month ) dupe the rubes into destroying their whole life. Arrested students are marked for life, convicted students may be added onto NO-FLY list and banned from all airports. They will NEVER get a corporate or government job, and will have a very hard time paying back student loans. Minimum Wage for life… 🙁

  3. One thing very important is the fact that these privileged children know where to strike their enemy….in the pocket book! Privilege does as privilege is.


  5. here's what washinton is thinking: Protestors should never hope to change policy, that's an exclusive right of our bribe paying campaign donors.

  6. Biden’s administration demanded that companies boycott Russia for what it is doing to Ukraine. But it won’t even allow a vote on whether or not to boycott Israel for doing way worse. Ukraine is at least fighting back. Palestinians are simply dying because they have no means to fight this terror. 70% women and children.

  7. Colombo university! that was the university who invited irans anti israeli anti gay monster president a few years ago! that should tell you how much they know!

  8. The litteral original root definition (Etymology) of Genocide is 'The Killing of a particular Race'. And although I do think this is a horrible war, with too many casualties (because Hamas is hiding behind innocent civilians), – it is not genocide.

    The 'Land of Palestine' does not belong to a particular race, nor is there a particular race being singled out durring the war. It very well be a coincidence that the civilians Hamas are hiding behind are Arab (which there are many other races that are within the casualties dieing), none the less, Israel is not going around targeting random Arabs just for the sake of them being Arab.

    There are many events and actions of Israel that you could highlight to show disaproval of, but when you falsely claim that they are committing 'Genocide', you discredit your side of the argument.

  9. We must have peaceful protests. Not protests like the one that occurred in 1773 in Boston. In that protest over 300 chests of tea were dumped into the harbor by the protestors. Some may know that the protest latter came to be known as the Boston Tea Party. And look where protesting got those protestors. They ruined their future as subjects of the king without representation. They should have known better. Thankfully, thanks to MSM, today we know that nothing good can come from protesting.

  10. If Brown university is serious about divestiture, then they need to publicly show all countries and all businesses that they are financially tied to. What about India and the treatment of their Muslim population or their wretched caste system? What about China and their systematic efforts to eliminate their Muslim population and their blatant intimidation of their neighbors? The list goes on. You can't just divest from the "popular" causes.

  11. The reaction of the US MSM, US congress, and the US president is the result of the control that the Israel lobby has over them. The Israel lobby is cartel like in its control over every organization in America. It controls congress, the president, Universities, the news media and companies. Only the protestors as a group have had the courage to stand up to the Israel lobby and demand that Universities withdraw monetary connections to Israel. This is the reason we see MSM, congress, and powerful individuals come after the students. It is not believable that these people or groups care about any kind of prejudice, let along antisemitism. It is only the defense of the state of Israel that they are concerned with.

  12. The liberation of Palestine is in fact liberation of the world from the grip of Freemasonry and Zio nism and its affiliates supported by media with malicious organizations which these organizations brought the greed of banks, corruption, injustice, destruction families and society by the usury, gambling, and drugs. Spreading adultery and prostitution LBGQ etc and all of these corruptions are supported by imposed laws and regulations , by Support Palestine all world will be liberated and cleaned.

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