Do sanctions against Iran work? | Start Here


Iran has faced economic sanctions from the US for over 40 years.
They target Iran’s big industries – oil, steel and coal – and anyone affiliated with the government. This could include banks, insurance and construction companies, ships and aircraft.
So why is the US doing this and does it make any difference? Find out with Start Here.

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  1. Die Ökonomie basiert auf Öl. Grundlegende technische Weiterentwicklungen fanden in diesem Bereich nicht mehr statt.
    Statt dessen wurden ressourcenreiche Länder ins Chaos gestürzt – siehe Afrika, Südamerika.
    Die „westliche Welt" lebt in einer Blase.

    La economía se basa en el petróleo. En este ámbito ya no se produjeron avances técnicos fundamentales.
    En cambio, los países ricos en recursos se vieron sumidos en el caos (véanse África y América del Sur).
    El “mundo occidental” vive en una burbuja.

    The economy is based on oil. Fundamental technical developments no longer took place in this area.
    Instead, resourcerich countries were plunged into chaos – see Africa, South America.
    The “Western world” lives in a bubble.

  2. So US is like a kid who wants to play with someone's toys aka oil but doesnt want the other kid to play with it and ends up breaking the toy 😂 and puts sanctions so that toys dont get fixed 😂 what a hypocrisy

  3. Yes Sanctions works only for Iranians
    Sanctions are like work out tool only for Iranians they make Iranians Stronger because that is the only country which is self confident they can do any thing if some one pushes them not to do !

  4. By a mile, the USA is the greatest evil the world has experienced , as far as abuse of power by an empire. It is also the greatest threat to world peace, and eventually human existence. US sponsors 99% more terrorism than Iran. These are all facts. I am no Iranian nor I am a muslim. I just remember the historical facts not reported in the mainstream media cartel. It messes up your mind to listen to US news without banging your head on the wall.

  5. Their are Middle East people who want good relationship with US even knowing its truth.
    Their is also a group of people who fear from Allah and dare to fight with U. S
    Long live Iran. Love from Pakistan ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  6. How crazy Iran getting sanctioned for the development of nuclear weapons which the US government is well aware don't exist and are physically an impossibility. How much longer are we going along with this?

  7. How can a twice impeached convict be allowed to even run for an office let alone U.S. presidency ⁉️😳
    What kinda of constitution is this?😂

  8. What is the situation now with BRICS and other countries desirous of ditching the US dollar as the currency of international commerce. Effect of the Ukrainian/ Russian war, the Niger coup on US hegemony? How can it survive?

  9. as a Iranian kid with the dream of having a YT channel one day and making money with it, i think of self harm when i remember USA's sanctions because they mean i probably will never make it out…..

  10. The suctions are imposed on Iran for supporting terrorism, at the same time the similar countries as Saudi Arabia are the biggest allies of the West.

  11. Does anyone remember "death to America"? It's been going on since 1979 because we happened to make a bad political mistake supporting the Shah. Would everyone rather that we had totally eliminated Iran from the map? Death to America is reason enough. If sanctions didn't work…this report, and all the rhetoric wouldn't exist. Some countries have been trying to end America forever, and they wouldn't take it either. Unfortunately for all of them, freedom makes for very wealthy, and powerful people, so theres not a darned thing they're going to be able to do.

  12. Now that we are 14 months into the Ukraine/Russia War, can Al Jazeera do an investigative story on how effective NATO aligned Countries' sanctions against Russia have been.

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