Former President Donald Trump warned if he lost the 2024 election, it would be a “bloodbath” for the U.S. auto industry, promising to impose a 100% tariff on imported cars. NewsNation contributor Bill O’Reilly joins “On Balance” to discuss the headlines that came out of Trump’s remarks.
“On Balance with Leland Vittert” takes a critical look at some of the day’s hottest subjects. Weekdays at 7p/6C. #OnBalance
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How is Trump a threat to the corporate media when he made them billions through anti-Trump click bait?
Clown show😂😂😂 going to go watch MeidasTouch for facts❤
Bye bye😂
Fox 2.0😂
Donald is a threat… to the entire world. He's a moron who only cares about himself and that's extremely dangerous!
I was one of those stupid blind people just believing those stupid misleading main stream news channels as I was a working mother and had no time to watch all stations. And got sucked into the covid vaccine fallacies and end up with a heat problem and what ever else is still to be discovered health wise from the booster. Those news channels that lie and twist the truths, spout false flag events, and support corrupt politicians should be sued out of existence immediately.
Get a Life, there is nothing good about trump , blame Trump for being trump .
Trump, with the use of, far right media like, you two individuals. Are doing everything you can, to divide the country. If the president, was elected, the popular vote. Republicans, would stop their nonsense.
News Nation is wack
You got a man from Fox News are you kidding me News Nation 😂😂😂😂😂
Bill was not on other shows primarily because of what happened on Fox. Not because he is leaning conservative.
Nothing flatters Trump more than his treatment by the corrupt Media. The people who are not blithering idiots see the truth, and Trump represents them.
No matter what you say, you can't break him. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 desperate pos
4:09 FINALLY, a neutral question in which Tex Baxter conceded.
You have to be stupid to think Donald Trump didn’t mean what he said it’s all about context and for some reason you guys keep playing goalkeeper for this idiot and the reason we didn’t hear about Joe Biden because he doesn’t make a habit of saying stupid shit every single time he opens his mouth Like Trump does But the real icing on the cake in this segment was bringing on Bill O’Reilly he’s really fair and impartial about situations come on Nobody’s fooled by Trump no more we’re just watching you guys circle the wagon for the very last time because we all know history has a way of catching up with people like Trump and those that support him And Bill says Trump’s enemy to the corporate world while he was standing with them while Joe Biden was standing with the union workers
Wonder why
So this anchor guy and O’Reilly trying to make excuses for Trump and what he said? Trump is a snake, when he tells you something you have to believe it, just like Jan 6.
Bill O'Reilly the last of the "I wish it were the old days" when white people were in charge MAGA crowd.
Trump stole the real Republican Party. 😮 And they let him and he could win. Phenomenal!
Retirement bill
Billy traitors
Shut ur trap Bill
C'mon. Trump frequently promotes real, physical violence against his opposition. I recall when he said he wanted to start televising, live, executions. These other anchors are referring to a party, or, a group hemmoraghing money, power, etc. You know that, NewsNation. Trump is right about a lot of things and he's also fine with things like an actual Civil War. I'll vote for RFK or I won't vote.
Seems like News nation is trying to go back to being journalist!! Way to go… keep it up seems like being blavkballed from the UFO story made tall rwalize the gov isnt your friend anymore
Omg…. It’s astonishing of the delusional spew of this dude is amazing. fox misinformation and mooz wax don’t want the truth being said which directly contradicts the spew of lies they feed to their cult base. Cheers 🥂 indeed.
Personally I think it's worth it to sacrifice democracy and the rule of law to beat Trump. If fair elections bring him back to power, then fair elections should never take place again. The ends justify the means.
Somebody needs to be a threat to corporate media as they are all liars and work for Biden.
Look, real good friend of Donald Lying Perverted Trump it's Bill Lying Perverted O'reilly.
Fake outrage
Bill O reilly left one very important fact out, the conservative networks are not a 100% conservative unlike the Liberal networks
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