Sky News host Liz Storer says Donald Trump “knows how to do a good Easter message”.
The former president released a video message on Easter in which remembered the “suffering and death” of Jesus and “his glorious resurrection” on the third day.
“Christ has risen indeed,” Ms Storer said.
“I love it … here is someone who is saying this is a Christian nation, I still speak the language.
“Whether you want to argue that he himself is a Christian is not – I don’t care.”
Those who call Jesus lord created the modern world. It is a fact Jack.
Australia, if you like Trump so much, you can have him
2:12 This has been the same for DECADES. Do your research
I think you should worry about cashless system.
The brain dead are alive and raving on this comment space so many nutters that support this lowlife trump
To Donald, Jesus would be considered an animal trying to take someone's job away. What's going on with you, christians?
Ahhh guys, hes not president Trump and hes no Christian, the dipshit only knows one bible…the one he's knovking off for $59.99 to pay gor his legals
Trump you is pathetic he knows himself that he doesn't know the Bible morals ten commandments he a good joke the way he laughs makes fun of people and disabled I have been for all my Jesus would be ashamed of , Trump selling Bibles
I am Christian but I would listen to Trump who lies cheats abuser of women really he doesn't even in read the Bible
Christ is king, but America is an evil and satanic nation.
Gold fringe
But why do you call him President!?
Yes ,the sons of God Shouted,and the Morning Stars Sang at the foundation of the Earth, Job 32:7
God did not create humans because God has no physical form we was created by aliens they have physical form like humans do God doesn't
YouTube must not have liked Mario’s prayer because they superimposed music over his prayer. And we could not hear it past the first minute or so. What I heard was powerful and setting people free. Thank you!!
Is the Sky News Australia team on crack? diaperdonald is hardly being lauded for his hate-filled, divisive, racist “Easter” messages. He’s being vilified for comparing himself to Jesus Christ, telling Americans he’s the new Messiah, & butchering every message the Christ passed along to His followers – Oh! And also for selling rinky-dinky “pro-Amerikkka” Bibles when he’s never read a word from one. The goon is a disgusting, grifting blasphemer.
You pinheads. 😂😂😂
Folks….please review Trump's Easter messages on Truth Social. There were 77 hate filled rants. Nothing Christian about them. Time to wake up for Christ's sake!!!
Buy Trump's Bible today!!! Donald Trump's behavior doesn't align with Christian values. He cheats, he steals, he lies….but by all means, please send him your paychecks!!
I just lost all respect for this news channel. USA does not have a national religion. The USA does not have a national language. The USA is indeed a country where you are free to practice your religion. Get it right idiots.
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party -packed with secular ZIONIST Jews – set itself up for Donald Trump presenting himself as " Defender of the Faith " ( even within traditional separation of Church and State ) by relentlessly bashing Christianity, and especially Catholicism, in a decades long ideological reign of terror . As a longtime independent democratic socialist, smiling on the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church , I have suspected that the obnoxious New Atheism had political sponsorship in both the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party and in the atheistic Ayn Rand wing of Israeli Zionism .
What was so " liberal " and " tolerant " and " open-minded " about making working class and middle class Americans ashamed of their Catholic-Protestant moral-cultural tradition ?
A convicted rapist, a lifetime of fraud, paying off porn stars, bankrupt over and over, lick ass of savage murderer Putin, love affair with Kim.
Sounds like you swallowed too much digeredoo doo you airhead halfwit.
Are all Aussies as thick as this,?
Keep jesus's word alive and well..Trump to spread the word of jesus to all American citizens 🙏 praise Jesus 👏
Sky News stinks!
Life after death, the most egregious lie ever told.
Trump the Pussy grabber is now grabbing the bible and pretending to be religious.
Christendom (the west) is becoming polarised between Christianity and Leftism.
Each one of us needs to choose which side we stand.
Christianity = just another form of brainwashing!
Holy smokes! I can’t believe the garbage that comes out of sky news… come on folks, get serious…
Loved to here his message as always a man, leader speaking truth.
Who wrote that because it wasn't Trump he is clueless about religion other than selling the odd bible. You should have included his 77 rants on Truth Social – they weren't very Christian. Why do you support this criminal sex offending adulterer?
Well done to this reporter speaking the truth, really respect your open views – much love from South Africa
God bless Mr Trump, the US needs Jesus Christ more then ever!
The Republic USa was not a Christian based country. Do your homework.. or do not spread incorrect information. By the way..ignorance is a sin.
Put donald in SingSing.
He has done crimes..he should be imprison at least until the trials have made their verdicts.
So what he is running for office. He is unf I t..and just an average he needs to be treated as such h…like the criminal he is!
Thank you for reporting this! This is amazing and I absolutely believe this 100%
A message delivered with all the sincerity of a back-street used car salesman.
Biden''s Easter message:
"Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.
As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.
From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you."
Trump's (caps are his, of course):
Tell me which one is the Christian and which one is the self-pitying heathen.
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