Universal basic income (or UBI) is a key part of Andrew Yang’s campaign for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. On Monday, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted his support for Yang’s candidacy. Musk and Yang have stated similar views on the need for universal basic income in the United States.
A main tenet of Yang’s campaign platform is his pledge to provide $1,000 a month to all American citizens 18 and older. Yang refers to this payment as a “Freedom Dividend” that will become necessary as robots and automation replace humans more rapidly than people can find and be retained for new jobs.
UBI is making its way from the fringes to a serious topic of debate thanks to a growing number of high profile advocates, including Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson, and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang. So far, the results of some UBI experiments have been controversial. Is America ready for universal basic income?
*** UPDATE *** Andrew Yang’s campaign reached out to us on August 16th to clarify that the Freedom Dividend would stack with Social Security and Veteran’s Disability: According to Yang’s plan, veterans with a disability will continue to receive benefits on top of the Freedom Dividend. Social Security retirement and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits will also stack with the Freedom Dividend. Those receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), another form of disability benefit, would have to choose between SSI or the Freedom Dividend whichever is more generous.
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Elon Musk And Andrew Yang Support UBI – Is America Ready?
Of course Paul Krugman wouldn't like it.
The UK already has this I live in London & I get UBI & housing benefits & cost of living pay bumps…..but I also work & earn my own money doing what I want to do & I enjoy. it.. Cost of living is high in London so
it's a good safety net & security to have the basics covered with no stress & worry.
UBI is also proving to be a wealth builder & a cash cow for me as well I have quite a savings.
Also England doesn't have a horrible homeless crisis like in the US.
So I'd say it works & with increasing automation robots replacing humans it could be the new world order to a Utopia.
Change is inevitable just as the industrial revolution changed America a century ago.
Bidens says bring the UBI in with the tripple6, snares from the beast!!
The #UnitedStates #president #VOTE #problem has a #solution , being a #AndrewYang #president #elonmusk #vicepresident #team would be best for #America ,so if electoral college doesn't #elect them than the #electoralcollege #voting #system isn't #serving the best #interest of the #American #people and should be #replaced by the #popular #vote #system , and to #prevent these #disgraceful #presidential re-elections from happening in the #future the one #six #year term should be #mandated ,along with new term limits of #Senate & #Congress #Clinton #Trump #Biden
#AndrewYang #elonmusk #charge up #independent party,of course they'll #loose , but at #least there'll #look like there was an #alternative #party and they might have #fun doing it,but #Simpsons #predict #Trump 2024 and Ivana Trump running in 2028 ,so why couldn't #Ivana #skip a step, the China #war #prediction most #troublesome , Trump ok with #Russia not #China , and #Chinese #currency in #SouthAmerica unfixable #Biden #Congress #electoralcollege #Senate #Clinton #America #USA #global #economy #climate third #world #education
Disability is NOT welfare!
You can set up a trust fund for your child without UBI
We need it now and like 20 years ago…! Initiatives please! We need initiatives all over…
Bunch of bs
Who pays for ubi…the people working and paying taxes.
Socialism sucks much like communism does.
It is not free money because if you have worked and paid taxes, if have/ had a business and didn't make over 150,000 and are single with no children you have paid more than enough for this type of thing. When it comes giving money to people that really need it in our own country it's a problem. People want to work but are tired of having to have 3 jobs to make a living wage, cost of living, rent, ECT,ect goes up but not the minimum wage and then the person will have to move to where they can afford rent which usually is less safe,more people to compete with for a less than adequate apartment which is better than being homeless but not by much. 1000 is not that much. People are not returning to work because they are tired of working for not enough, not being valued, and at any time they can be fired but if they wish to leave they have to give notice. Many people are also starting their own business so they have control over their employment because of this pandemic and how up in the air it is/ was that your job would be operational. They shouldn't take away if the person is on food stamps because food stamps takes away from them already, I mean if the person recycles or even donates blood or plasma the food stamp people ding them for it, it counts as income and food stamps vary state to state. The people who say this stuff and think this way are clueless and have no idea about the struggles of the majority of many working Americans. Joe Rogan and this dude should try doing life 6 months with an average wage job, the universal 1000, and food stamps, they will have to look for an apartment in their price range, I would love to see them go apply for food stamps. That would be funny, the office visit alone.
assuming that only people over 18 will get it it will cost taxpayers 3 trillion per year where will that funding come from
Yang & Musk was right all along!
Congratulations 👏
"Guaranteed dignity and basic needs met". Boy, you guys really know how to manipulate the masses. You know exactly how we feel don't you? Liars.
Brilliant! Give the criminally minded more money. THERE ARE ALWAYS STRINGS ATTACHED. Were you born yesterday? DO NOT ACCEPT UBI. It's a trap. They're going to get you hooked on it and then force you to get vaccinated, and multiple other things that are not their business, if you want to keep your money. Their track record STRONGLY suggests it's going to be a trap. They've been dangling entrapment carrots in front of everyone all along this pandemic. GET OR STAY SELF SUFFICIENT EVERYONE. This is for a fact a very dark agenda. My GOD, get a brain.
UBI is nonsense… I came to the US with $20 a suitcase. I'm from one of the poorest countries in the world. UBI will destroy the US… It will encourage people to be lazy and doing nothing and still receive income??? It's crazy…
Yes I support this..and full legalization of cannabis sativa all over the world 🌎 🙄 😋
You need to understand something absolutely important beyond your understanding of "free money" – you will be limited to what they allow you, which will be a pittance; you will NOT be allowed to make any money beyond what they give you without their permission. They will put you in work camps if you defy them, thus insuring our collective slavery.
If you persue and allow this to happen, you will become the enemy. Nobody wants that, but a war, a real honest-to-goodness shooting and killing war will happen.
Please understand, this is not a threat, it's a reality. Value your freedom, what's left of it, more than "free money."
In the long run it's a by far better, healthier and enrichening life choice. Earn your way.
Free markets work, if we let them.
If I'm not mistaken it's Hillary who lost to Donald Trump, I don't think her judgement on UBI is valuable at all.
If everyone takes UBI instead of social services and it winds up costing 3 trillion dollars, I think the U.S.'s annual budget would pan out to about 4.5 trillion a year. That's probably a terrible guess, but my understanding is that most of our budget right now is mandatory spending, which is almost all social services, which UBI could make obsolete.
I'm not in favor yet. Automation hasn't at all come far enough for this to be necessary yet.
Why wouldn’t you make a persons life easier ? UBI should happen !
just take away incentive and drive by giving everyone money. this is total baloney. go to a communist country and see how this has worked.
So I was thinking the massive unployment benefits and stimulus was a good test bed as to results of UBI. What are the results?
1. Inflation.
2. Massive protests cause people have nothing else to do.
3. Terrible service cause people don't care about losing their jobs.
Omg, yeah people should not get free money.
I’d pay bills and still work for more, I’d work work work and use that hard work as my motive. And maybe use that to create another business there so many endless opportunities
I think UBI can be analogous to gun ownership in some ways. One being, it's a lost cause trying to keep welfare out of the hands of the criminals because they're always going to find a way to game the system (disability being one of the easiest), and that satisfies their urge to "get one over" on society, so they just sit there eating Cheetos all day on their couch with a smirk on their face. With UBI, everyone gets empowered to the same degree no matter what, and so these criminals AT LEAST won't get the satisfaction of having gamed the system and might actually feel compelled to actually EARN some additional money. Secondly, it will aid in establishing a meritocracy since there will be one less excuse for people who "don't make it"; if you have your basic needs covered and you're STILL unable to get the skills to improve your life, then that's one less excuse you can rely on for being a loser. As a right-leaning individual, I like the latter reason better. At the end of the day, the argument about UBI shouldn't be whether it's GOOD or BAD for society, but whether a society can AFFORD it, and if the US can't, then nobody can. It is a luxury that only the tippity-top international players can afford. As a country, it's the ultimate feather in your cap. Do you realize how much more people would be idolizing the US if this got pulled off (if implemented correctly of course)? There is already a TON of money being dumped into social programs as it is, so this can merely be a redistribution of funds. There are way too many issues that distinguish the left and the right as it is, so (given the potential benefit for both sides) I think this should be one that both agree on.
Very good video
That would be almost 4 trillion a year. More than the US budget.
Just give us the money already.
So i can least buy some food and dont starve to death.
It has to be done, i dont see how else we can cope with inflation, plus i believe it will help the economy tremendously, as long as its done correctly
Although id also like a tax break more, my small business is me and my two brothers and we pay more in taxes that we individually get paid, and highering someone is equally expensive, i have to pay almost there wage in taxes. When you own a small business its easy to see why people hate the government
They will not pay you well! Stop believing that it is a good thing! They want to create unemployment and dependent masses easy to control. They will pay you peanuts and they will be richer and you poorer. It is pure evil.
“Invest in cryptocurrency”
God I hope he did invest in that.
This would boost social mobility tremendously. People who want(!) to take some classes, courses, an adult reeducation program, but can't because they're working 3 minimum wage jobs just to feed their kids and barely stay afloat – would actually be able to do that. People who work double shifts in dying industries, could actually free up enough hours to learn another trade, or branch and hone preexisting skills, so they can move on to something else more sustainable before the floor collapses underneath them.
UBI will NOT be "universal":
-Taxes for working, self reliant people like me will go up WAY more than the value of the check.
-When they realize they can't pay for it UBI WILL be means tested.
-Special people (i. e. those with proper political views or magic skin pigmentation) will get their "free money" while those they disapprove of (self reliant, self employed, conservative, white, rural) will not.
This is just a scheme to expropriate those they don't like and give money to freeloaders who can sit back and smoke dope.
Anybody who thinks this will replace welfare is delusional.
I hate mainstream media. They are so shallow in their knowledge and biased as heck
American people want less governing , less control , less power in government .. we do not want to depend on government !! just let us be free and stop your power grabs dressed in sheep clothing .. offering to help us when you actually look to control us through "your help" lies ! It is all to push a communist agenda the NWO and America was a step too far ! America will never be a communist Nation !
Those who complain of the cost of ubi never complained of the price tag of endless wars, HUGE tax cuts that creates budget shortfalls and subsiding large corporations.
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