‘Extremely unusual’: CNN data reporter on new polling ahead of 2024 election


CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten breaks down recent polls that show President Joe Biden trailing behind Donald Trump. #CNN #News



  1. You have to admire (or not) CNN's verbiage to try and lessen the humiliation Biden is feeling right now. "Trailing" is so innocent. I think "smoked" would be better or "left in the dust". How about "beat like a drum." See the media (doesn't matter if it is right or left), they are not your friend.

  2. I used to vote Dem in the past and Trump is not my first pick, but the left has gone off the deep end. Open border, criminals’ rights coming first, out of control spending, making me pay for others student loans, DEI racism, men in female sports, Child abuse with sex changes for minors, normalizing drug use ruining the lives of many, and the list goes on and on. So, if faced with the choice I will hold my nose and vote for Trump.

  3. voters are flipping and leaving the Democrat party in droves. it's insane. my entire family and most of my friends have said they won't be voting blue again. They will be voting for Trump for the 1st time – I guess people are feeling the holes in their pockets and California is not what it used to be – so many have left for Texas and other states. When times are tough and uncertain ppl tend to vote the other way – I guess its human instinct or something.

  4. If those polls end up foreshadowing what will happen, I don't consider it to be the ideal outcome. But it's what was to be and should be expected. The hypocrisy, the gaslighting, the bullshit-ideologies; people have enough of it. Many just aren't in the mood for a democrat president right now and I get it.

  5. I don't vote due to what the polls say, I vote for the best candidate for President. I have NEVER been polled. So I don't believe in polling. This independent will be voting for
    Joe Biden of course.💙

  6. Bring up the actual polls as to why they’re not voting for him instead of just saying age. That plays a factor but I promise there is more😂😂 just don’t want to say it

  7. During d Trump Years, the Federal Reserve over printed Dollar Bills which later leads to higher inflation that everyone pays.  To control inflation, the Federal Reserve had to increase the prime rate which leads to a slower economy n high prices until the over printed Dollar Bills are phased out of the money supply. Biden was victim of all this.


    Obama forgets to salute the Marine, Trump retrieve Marine’s hat, Brainless Biden does 3 Faceplants under 4 seconds in front of a Marine climbing up Airforce One Stairs. You are supposed to fall down the stairs not up. But Jo, Jo can’t even get that right. Then again Joe Damage does another Faceplant during Air Force graduation Ceremony. Jo The 10% Big Guy broke the record for most falls as a US President. According to Sources familiar with the mater say Biden took the Dive at the Armed Forces Commencement because one of the Armed Forces Cadets yelled out Sniper! Then to top it another Faceplant this time off a stationary bicycle on pavement face first. Not only Old Joe Pisspants is Falling so are his Polls. The Old Kook falling faster than CNN. Imagine voting for a Fall Risk Patient a man who can’t Talk or Walk. If Poolnoodle Biden isn’t Falling than its handshakes with an Invisible Man or its feeling up a Wall looking for a door. Commander and Chief Nitwood Biden’s Events are always a trip. Meantime President Trump Holding Candid Conversations with the crowds, answering questions, Coherent and Vertical. Biden has tripped so many times he should be in a home, but all along Jo remains sharp as a tack, according to his Embalmer. Weekend at Bernie’s or Biden’s continues with Jill dragging Mr. Jo Mumbles around not to get lost all the while Brainless Biden using grade school cheat sheets to speaking for him. To see Patient Biden walking with his tiny short little strides is like watching a slapstick comedy. Last time Jo went Horizontal he said he tripped on an invisible sandbag. But instead he sandbags himself, a Sandbag trips over another sandbag. So we went from shaking hands with the invisible Guy to tripping over the invisible sandbags? It’s not the fall that should scare Voters, it’s the fact he couldn’t get back up without done assistance. Regarding Biden’s latest Fall, He received a nine for technical merit and a ten for artistic impression from the Ukrainian judge. In closing I know it’s been said many times before, but Joe Damage isn’t a Clown, he’s the entire Circus. Hunter Biden lost a laptop. Ashley Biden lost her diary. Joe Biden lost his mind. Ukraine is losing the War, and we are losing the country because of Jo Damage.

  9. #2024Elections: America 🇺🇸 we need a President that can steer us towards a promising future. We need a President that will actually care about securing our border, having the right policies that will beneficial for all of us. Future of America 🇺🇸 and Next Generation is at stake.

  10. #MarchingOrders: The Mainstream Media are going to do everything in their power to make sure that @realDonaldTrump doesn’t become President again. They’re actively trying to smear this guy by desperately trying to convince the American 🇺🇸 people that Trump is a threat? Really!?

  11. Advice of the Day: America 🇺🇸 we don’t need @POTUS Sleepy 😴 Joe who has dementia. Y’all can see with y’all know eyes 👀 that Sleepy 😴 Joe is Cognitively Declining. We need new leadership in America 🇺🇸 for the next Generation sake.

  12. #TakingOffTheirBlinders: More People continue to reject @POTUS Sleepy 😴 Joe and they’re finally waking up and taking off their blinders when it comes to supporting Sleepy 😴 Joe. Sleepy 😴 Joe is a train 🚊 wreck and people are looking to get off before it’s too late.

  13. #FailingAmerica: It baffles my mind that some people still want to vote 🗳️ for @POTUS Sleepy 😴 Joe. Sleepy 😴 Joe the guy who’s actively trying to get America 🇺🇸 into WW3 and his policies are a disaster no one can live under these conditions. Bidenomics is a failure 😞.

  14. #MediaBias: The Mainstream Media should stop 🛑 being activist and be more like journalists. Quit bating for either party and learn to deliver honest news for the American 🇺🇸 People Instead of having bias hit pieces. We all know they’re supporting @POTUS Sleepy 😴 Joe.

  15. #SecuringTheBorder: Let’s be honest Both @TheDemocrats and @POTUS Sleepy 😴 Joe never gave a damn about securing our border. If it wasn’t for Republican Governors busing Migrants bring awareness to the border crisis these Democrats wouldn’t have cared to do anything about it.

  16. #2024Elections: The Stakes in this upcoming election 🗳️ couldn’t be any more dire. The Future of America 🇺🇸 and Next Generation are on the line. The Next Generation wouldn’t be able to survive under these conditions. Bidenomics is making people poorer.

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