HACK UPDATE: How to Help Joe Blogs Get Back Up on His Feet


This video talks about the war in Ukraine.

🇺🇦 I have partnered with Greg Terry for all donations to Ukraine. He has raised and delivered more than a quarter of a million dollars of aid to date. To directly support this effort of delivering necessary provisions to the front lines, click on these links (and then watch him give your donations to soldiers on the front lines on his channel): https://www.youtube.com/@GregTerryExperience/videos):

Amazon Shopping List USA/North America (Shop and send to UKRAINE AID c/o Bethel Life’s Gift Registry Address)

Amazon Shopping List for EU/UK

Direct Link for Financial Giving via our 501(c)(3) Tax-Deductible in the USA

Direct Link for Paypal for the 501(c)(3) (Please specify what it is for) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/bethellife

Link for Greg’s 501(c)(3) EIN Information

🇺🇸 Alternatively, you may choose to donate to Samaritan’s Purse:

Ukraine Response

🇺🇦 If you wish to support the Ukrainian Army. give directly to United 24. Follow this link: https://u24.gov.ua/

🇺🇦 To support MY CHANNEL as I provide Ukraine war context, you can Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dr.gerdes
🇺🇸 For CHANNEL SUPPORT, You can Paypal me directly: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/professorgerdes
(Either way, thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot to know you care.)

🇺🇸 This is the absolute CHEAPEST THING YOU CAN DO to support Ukraine (This is NOT MY SITE) https://amzn.to/48jx78e – Just support the war effort somehow.

🇺🇦 I wrote a book about Ukraine’s president Zelenskyy which I have updated for the first 4-5 months of the war in Ukraine: It is free if you have Amazon Kindle Unlimited or $3.99 otherwise: https://amzn.to/3Q2wnyE

🇺🇦 If you cannot give or buy, you can like, share, and pray for the people of Ukraine.

🇺🇸 Please leave comments and tell me how I can help you gain more perspective. You can contact me @Dr_Gerdes on Twitter or email [email protected]



  1. Why this show of solidarity only for specific channels?

    When Artur Rehi lost his Patreon account for absolutely spurious & ridiculous reasons, I wrote to you detailing his plight and requesting to help a fellow YT pro-Ukrainian vlogger…but to no avail! Didn't even hear back from you!

    And even now, Reporting from Ukraine has lost one of his YT channels (I think a Spanish one), and no one comes to his/their rescue!

    I find this puzzling & very hypocritical of all of you!

    Maybe you can help out Artur Rehi & Reporting From Ukraine — help your fellow pro-Ukrainian YT content creators out!

    After all, the more channels there are, the better informed the public is! And even breeds a little healthy competition!

    Unless people are scared of losing their viewership or sponsors…which will then educate us all on their real intent/motive!

    So, do something for Artur Rehi & Reporting from Ukraine…or else stop asking for help for y'all or channels/content creators known/close to you!!

    I am very disappointed by Prof. Gerdes's non-response!

    Let's see how you respond to this plea…!!

  2. Forward your emails to an account you only open in VM. This VM will only have that single email account you can lose if you don’t log into other things. Keep the VM isolated from your network.

  3. Hello from Canada! Thank you for supporting Joe Blogs. I made a video in support of him as well. Some of my subscribers wrote to me that they subscribed to his new channel and stayed on the old one as well. I also sent a message to YT on Twitter (X) (as you suggested) and they (@TeamYouTube) responded, that if Mr. Blogs contacted their Creator's Support, it is highly likely that they are already working on the problem and trying to help him. They asked me to be patient. After that I made a post on "Quora" and asked people to help Blogs (subscribe to his new channel, watch and like his videos). I shared my post in 23 Spaces – pages on "Quora" (748 people have seen it since Monday). My post: Defend the Truth: Help Joe Blogs and Kick Trolls. I hope this will help him.
    I value your work. Thank you for your videos. Good luck!

  4. Use a strong/complex password(note it down so that you do not forget it), small/big letters, numbers, and characters. Activate 2 factor authentication. When you go on an internet café/hotel on vacation if you connect to internet would be recommended to use vpn.

  5. Professor, if you want a list of wierd things happening accross youtube, have a peak at my channel. I've been screenshoting it for about 2 years now. And I started with zero videos so this stuff is just a baseline of random glitches basically. I refuse to really upload a lot of real content bc of the damn issues with youtube. The channel is not monetized at all, it's purely so ppl stop disbelieving me when I say we're having some very constant network and platform issues.

  6. My sweet Joe I've re-subscribed. Im playing your videos as i get my old lady 72, nap. Oh Joe, I'll figure it out, Patreon and see how i can help. Heart broken for you and your family and your ball eatting pup. LOOP BEGINS

  7. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Its terrible this thing happens. But we will help Joe to get back to his feet.
    I'd suggest any pro-UA youtuber to protect themselves as much as possible. Also please be aware that Patreon supports orc soldiers and have deleted Artur Rehi's page. Stay safe. ❤

  8. What we can do, besides writing Youtube & our congress: Joe should make a playlist of all the videos he's uploaded so far. Then we all leave oir computers playing said playlist with the sound & monitor off while we sleep. That'll get him to 4000 hours quickly.

  9. Using YouTube as a full time employer is like doing business with China.
    Sooner or later after you put all your eggs in one basket you're going to get turned off.

    One has to understand it is like farming – some years are good others bad. In the end it's a game of averages.

    I feel sorry for Joe, however my compassion is somewhat tempered by his life choice of using an known unreliable 'employer.'

  10. I found Joe not specifically about russian economy, though it was pertinent. His insights about the Turkey economics, about 2 years ago, blew my mind. It opened my mind about foreign economics.
    I trust him, 💯, because i trust data. And more than that, the person sharing the data and the comprensiveness of their share, while still sharing an honest narrative of the data, he's got it.
    I'm team joebloggs.

  11. My theory is Russian intelligence has been able to get people in employed at Youtube. Youtube needs to see what its employees are doing and audit this situation.

  12. 1. Use 2FA.
    2. Make sure your recovery questions don't include easily doxable answers.
    3. Make sure your recovery method uses 2FA or a publicly unknown phone number that you use for nothing else.
    4. Work how you got hacked.
    5. If you think your auth token/cookie got nicked then rebuild your pc.
    6. Use decent AV and don't go visiting shonky places.
    All basic OpSec.

  13. @professor-gerdes do you reading your comments at all? I wrote you 2 times very detailed what to do to improve your security. Enable 2 factor authentification now!
    ❤ that!

  14. If you have seen the videos before, put them on in the background but turn off the sound, which will enable you to help but get on with something else.

  15. 2 factor authentication is the best security option. It is a pain but almost impossible to bypass. The most important thing for creators is the “B” word, BACKUP locally. The cloud you have no control over if your only copy is cloud based you are asking for trouble. As a casual observation I think this might be China/Russia trying to destabilise YouTube. Here in Australia we get very little news from Ukraine on the main stream media our government broadcaster is very socialist in their reporting so very little credible criticism of Russia. YouTube is the single platform that is helping to spread the news and the updates. War bloggers are the only true open source of news. I watch around 10 channels and then use a majority consistency to determine what is happening. Joe blogs I believe is not related to the war this looks like a hacker group taking advantage of his 360k+ subscribers base for quick monetary gain. I have nearly watched every video he has uploaded. YouTube has it tough at the moment, I hate google btw, I believe they should not censor anything related to the war. As a former soldier war is brutal and totally horrific the best way to avoid war is to ensure everyone has total distaste for war. Censoring it and sanitising the content makes it seem not too bad !!!

  16. Thank you for doing what you can for Joe Blogs. YouTube as a platform has made it possible for contributors such as Joe and yourself to give in depth coverage of Ukraine and Russia that otherwise would not be available at the scale that YouTube makes possible. It is just a shame that YouTube is so opaque about so much of their business. As an interested party, and a former IT person, I would like to know what really happened to Joe's channel although I suspect that will never happen. I personally find the way that YouTube runs their business and the lack of support for contributors appalling. I wish they had a much stronger support system for those who make their business possible in the first place by providing content that Google then monitizes. That and a couple of dollars will buy me a coffee. But I won't hold my breath waiting for YouTube to offer better support for those who create content and form the basis of their business model. In any case thank you for supporting Joe.

    Edited to remove redundant 'and'

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