The pandemic and hybrid working have changed the very idea of the office. This is not only changing the design and purpose of offices, but the look of cities too.
00:00 – The office: a shifting concept
00:57 – What do future offices look like?
02:30 – The office as a social destination
03:20 – The rising demand for flexible work
04:06 – How should hybrid employees be managed?
06:01 – Will hybrid work worsen gender inequality?
06:36 – How will flexible working reshape cities?
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Watch our previous video on whether workers should return to the office:
How to make hybrid work a success:
Is hybrid work the worst of both worlds?
Is working from anywhere unrealistic?
Why daydreaming is important for work:
Will we readjust to the crowded office?
I wonder if these increased office spaces could free up more buildings for homes
Gender inequality does not merely mean that sharing women responsibilities. It also means sharing men's responsibilities. But even most feminists are not willing to assume any responsibility placed on men. They wanna make men slaves and then become equal.
I like working in the office
Boun agalar burada mı
You had a 2 minute unskippable advert before the video.
Working from home saves most folks hours in their day from having to commute. Not only this, but the savings in wear-n-tear, gasoline expenses, and opportunity costs are a huge reason why we shouldnt return to the old 40 hour work week (ie 60 hour work week with time commuting) . We have a real opportunity here to better our lives and our work-life balance that companies claim they are so concerned about. And we have a great opportunity to fix some of the causes of climate change by drastically reducing the fuel consumption of having so many folks drive to/from work everyday! The corporate real estate lobby and proponents of the 20th Century economic model would have us believe that working from the office is better – is best. I call BS.
The question is, who would want to work in an office?
Agile project model goes hand in hand with WFH and/or Hybrid work model.
Back to the office now! Remote workers are give a choice to go back to their office or find another job!😊 The employers are smart to 1st offer 3 days in the office to start and move to 5 days now!😊
Work is wherever you are. Pandemic exposed what should have happened years ago. Technology allows work outside the office.
I don't know what keeps contracts alive and movin
While arm warehouses fill as quick as the cell(RATM)
Did she say Asian culture or ancient culture?
I have worked from home over 10 years, which is most of my working life. I don’t see work as work, it is part of my life. I think if you enjoy your work you never rally switch off and you don’t really want to. I am there for my family and I am there for work. It is a win win.
The office is expensive for businesses and employees
Biz=OverheadEmployees=Transporation, Clothing, Time, Social Obbligations
Hate our office. So much.
No pretty office with perks or free food is going to make up for the hassles of coming in -employers need to understand and stop even trying -period. Also,all these open social sit close to each other work spaces are awful for those with anxiety or ADHD-stop it and understand people want to stay home.
A Onipotência do SENHOR JESUS CRISTO Vivo; ELE Mata, e Faz Viver, ELE Fere, e ELE Sara, e as Suas Mãos Curam; é o que nos Revela o ESPÍRITO SANTO de DEUS Vivo em Nome do SENHOR JESUS CRISTO
Palavra da Boca de DEUS Vivo em Nome do SENHOR JESUS CRISTO com o ESPÍRITO SANTO escritas nas Escrituras Sagradas:- Deuteronômio 32:39. – I Samuel 2:6. – Jó 5:18. – Isaías 38:16. – Jeremias 17:14. – Jeremias 33:6. – Mateus 12:22. – 19:2. – Lucas 4:18-19. – 6:18-19. – "Vede AGORA que EU, EU o Sou, e mais Nenhum DEUS Comigo; EU Mato, e EU Faço Viver; EU Firo, e EU Saro; e Ninguém há que Escape da Minha Mão. O SENHOR é o que Tira a Vida e a dá Faz Descer à Sepultura e Faz tornar a Subir dela. Porque ELE Faz a Chaga, e ELE mesmo a Liga; ELE Fere, e as Suas Mãos Curam. SENHOR, com estas Coisas se Vive, e em Todas elas está a Vida do meu espírito; portanto, Cura-me e Faze-me Viver. Sara-me, SENHOR, e Sararei: Salva-me, e Serei Salvo; porque Tu És o meu Louvor. Eis que EU Farei Vir sobre ela Saúde e Cura, e os Sararei; e Lhes Manifestarei Abundância de Paz e de Verdade. Trouxeram-lhe então um Endemoninhado Cego e Mudo; e, de tal modo o Curou, que o Cego e Mudo falava e via. E Seguiram-no muitas gentes e Curou-as ali. O ESPÍRITO do SENHOR é sobre MIM, pois que me Ungiu para Evangelizar os Pobres, Enviou-me a Curar os quebrantados do coração, A Apregoar Liberdade aos Cativos e dar Vista aos Cegos; a por em Liberdade os Oprimidos; e Anunciar o ano Aceitável do SENHOR. Os quais tinham Vindo para o Ouvir, e serem Curados das suas Enfermidades, como Também os Atormentados dos espíritos Imundos: e eram Curados. E Toda a Multidão procuravam Tocar-lhe; porque Saía DELE Virtude, e Curava a Todos." €€€
Palavra da Boca de DEUS Vivo em Nome de JESUS CRISTO com o ESPÍRITO SANTO escritas nas Sagradas Escrituras:- Deuteronômio 15:11 – I Samuel 2:6-8. – Salmos 9:7,18. – "Pois NUNCA cessará o POBRE do meio da TERRA: pelo que Ordeno, dizendo: Livremente abrirás a tua mão para o teu irmão, para o teu NECESSITADO, e para o teu POBRE na tua Terra. O SENHOR é o que Tira a Vida e a Dá Faz descer à Sepultura e Faz Tornar a Subir dela. O SENHOR Empobrece e Enriquece: Abaixa e Também Exalta. Levanta o POBRE, do Pó, e desde o Esterco Exalta o NECESSITADO, para o fazer Assentar entre os príncipes, para o Fazer Herdar o Trono da Glória: porque do SENHOR são os ALICERCES da Terra, e Assentou sobre eles o Mundo. Mas o SENHOR está Assentado PERPETUAMENTE; JÁ preparou o Seu TRIBUNAL para JULGAR. Porque o NECESSITADO não será Esquecido para sempre, nem a Expectação dos POBRES se Malogrará PERPETUAMENTE." &*£
hahaha, moi mot chac se la hybrid f… 😀
For remote working to be the next norm, cities need to provide better living places. You can’t be productive in a shared flat’s narrow room which you share with a roommate you barely know.
The office was already becoming obsolete prior to Covid. Since the start of my career… 15 years ago… I have worked with individuals across the country and the world. We've always connected and collaborated online and my in-office work has simply been for me to show my face. Everything I do today is on the cloud. My vendors are in different cities. The tools HQ are in different cities!
At my current role, I have coworkers who are in their late 50s/early 60s who are refusing to adapt and change. They act as if this is a new thing… it is not and has been happening for a couple of decades now. Time to progress or get left behind.
The days I go into the office are my least productive due to interruptions from colleagues who just want to stand in my doorway and gab.
Wow. Very informative and very well-done video.
If companies heat offices and make them nicer environments, a lot of people who can commute by foot or bicycle may be forced to come into the office this Winter as rising heating costs make staying at home miserably cold.
Next should be schools and then the revolution will have truly started. It will result in the collapse of the real estate as we know ot now
Totally agree that trust is crucial for the hybrid working environment to work!
If only we had this mentality for lower paid jobs.
Repent your sins. Jesus is coming soon, and Jesus wants to save you, but you need to accept him!
Remote work is half a chance half a challenge.
Concerning postive aspects, the main one is time spent in public transportation. Salaries can allocate this time to other activities, like enjoying moments with family, especially in the morning.
Also, this way of working help to increase productivity. Indeed, studies show that time spending doing ancilliary activities is much more important at the office than at home.
Concerning negative aspects, loneliness is definitely a major feature. It can lead to depression for isolated individuals.
Working at home could be detrimental for effectiveness because workers are subjected to forgetfulness.
It is undeniable that this working style is included in workers habits nowadays. It is even a prerequisite in job searches.
Some people will give priority to working environment than the salary.
The only people who have problem with WFH are office politics people. People whos base skill is office politics (which is not at all productive). Also the bosses who like to sit on top of employees are not beneficial with WFH culture. They are the ones who will tell you how WFH is bad and how it should change which is not at all true.
Other kind of people include having undesirable spouse, undesirable home condition, undesirable neighbors. Basically who personal life is f**ked up has a problem for WFH.
Rest of the people are extremely happy with WFH.
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