How Common Core Broke U.S. Schools


First implemented in 2009, Common Core was an ambitious initiative to revolutionize the American education system. National leaders from Bill Gates to President Obama supported the idea and it cost an estimated $15.8 billion to implement. Years later, research showed the new curriculum had minimal impact on student performance. So why did Common Core fail? Can a common curriculum be successful for all students? Watch the video to find out.

America is preparing for a return to school this fall semester, but curriculums might seem a bit different than they used to. Many states have implemented or are currently in the process of developing new educational standards to replace the Common Core.

“I think you are seeing today what kids experience and their curriculum kind of is a little bit more blended,” Connecticut Education Association President Kate Dias said.

On Feb. 12, 2020, Florida adopted the Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking. New York is also developing its own curriculum. The Next Generation Learning Standards are expected to be implemented throughout New York by September 2022.

However, experts remain doubtful on whether the new standards truly stand by themselves.

“The standards that the states have come up with, where they claimed they were different from Common Core, they’re really not that much different,” said Tom Loveless, an educational researcher and former senior fellow at Brookings. “Some states just basically took the Common Core label off and then slapped the new label on the package.”

The end of Common Core might be arriving, but its impacts are here to stay. Watch the video above to learn more about why states are moving away from Common Core.

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Why U.S. Schools Are Failing Our Kids



  1. If you are a parent in virginia you need to know that the Commonwealth of Virginia never adopted common core. Stop coming to parent teacher conferences and blaming common core. It never affected your kid. Your kid is bad at math because they grew up on ipads, cell phones, and computers. The technology that gets poured into schools makes kids worse at math. There are kids in india who can recite the pythagorean theorem from memory and then explain what it means. These are kids who have only a math workbook and do not have computers. By comparison students in the united states cannot even pronounce pythagorean theorem.

  2. I support your decision to leave the educational sector – I was in for 10 years and I resigned after having enough of low pay, disrespectful students, toxic culture among administration in a way they treat teachers, fights on campus all the time, and a slew of other reasons. Education has fallen so far down from what it was originally supposed to mean and do for our children. The system is broken! Beyond broken! The raise for teachers is crap! The cost of living doesn't match what you make as a teacher. I am happy to report I now work for a company that values me, pays me my worth, has a great company culture, etc. The direct opposite; wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

  3. Changing the math-execution didn't work, so now they're changing up the teachers themselves, sticking them in front of children, and forcing them into certain bathrooms.

    Common Core still doesn't work, and neither does that. 👎

  4. It's dumbing down. Whereas in India, China, Korea and Japan it is pressured there is a huge amount to learn and understand. Here and the UK standards have been lowered, syllabus removed to make it appear standards are still high. Many school leavers here have absolutely no knowledge, no ability to think critically and cannot hold a coherent conversation with an extremely limited vocabulary. Almost anyone can now get a degree rendering most of them worthless. Not to mention the respect teachers are accorded in the countries I mentioned. Parents have a lot to answer. They are the first teachers and should have already taught their children to behave and have learnt basic arithmetic and grammar. And nowadays being stupid is a badge of honour not shame worsened by the fact many stupid people earn fortunes through social media.

  5. The education system has been broken for far longer then common core but common core definitely made it dramatically worse. These things are being done on purpose. Our public school system is designed to dumb down society. The elites don’t want competition, if they can keep the masses stupid, then they don’t get ahead, they teach them to be middle class and poverty class citizens. I have a arithmetic book that was my grandmothers (from the same county our whole family went to school), her grade school arithmetic textbook has information and lessons in it that are now taught in college courses only. If you don’t see what’s happening here then you are blind.

  6. Because the media is helping parents to over-protect, and hyper-sensitize children to adult subject matter, images, and words. "We're all victims here, let's stick together!" Yet MORE protection at the forfeiture of yet MORE of our rights! The kids are now stupid and it's all your fault. Own it!

  7. Teach kids , economics how to run a successful financial life. Set up a budget, manage how much you spend, save , stay out of debt.
    Morals, ten commandments.
    They don't teach this.

  8. Lesson learned once again. The Federal Government quit being great at things after they won world war 2.
    One thing that should be core is the the teaching of the Constitution of Great Republic. Which isn't taught at all.

  9. 👎 “Public schools are failing because of failing colleges. Worldwide.
    Not pumping out any ATHEISTS! Public school teachers come from
    “Higher Learning”.
    We are wandering through one ☝️ universe.
    The Silent revolution…
    Just walks away.

  10. I was born in 2002 with common core curriculum with Neurodivergency. Lemme just say that the school makes it clear the way its designed is not meant to teach kids like ME its meant to teach the largest majority. Which fails everyone who isnt them. I may have my high school diploma, but Im not lying when I say I attribute most of my critical thinking skills to my time on the internet(which i was often doing as much as possible in class. ODD! when you dont engage with your kids theyre forced to find other ways to learn). And needless to say, I saw real people die in horribly grotesque ways before I was 18, THAT is the price you are paying with Common Core Curriculum

  11. So, instead of hiring more teachers in government funded schools nationwide, the government spent how much on transitioning to Common Core? That makes sense. My kids are public school kids. Some are in "advanced" math, and while I am proud of them, I am disappointed that this, which would be "average" skill when I was a kid, is an achievement today. I understand there are different methods to achieving the answer, this is why we need more teachers.

  12. Common Core math sucks big time. I don’t even know how to do the common core math at all. My son special education teacher also hates the common core math. She does not like it at all. My son is on the Autism spectrum disorder an he also has Seizures that is caused by stress.

  13. The leftists got their wish… destroy an entire generation's minds.
    Teachers are not taught how to teach much less how to teach how to learn.
    The USA has fallen behind 100% because of leftists being involved in education.
    Get government out of education, get leftists out of teaching at all levels, get rid of the unions and the USA would quickly be back on top.

  14. It makes sense, but it's including an extra step to add them. Would be better off learning how to subtract from factors of 100 in your head. 300-144= 156 then add 33= 189.

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