How Coups Are Derailing the US War on Terror in Africa


The US, EU, and UK have poured hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military aid and deployed thousands of troops to the Sahel. We travel to the frontlines to find out why violent extremism is still getting worse.

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  1. So bad. In the best of cases, the USA fuel terrorist groups by using other countries as security shields. Since George W. Bush, that is still the result each time… Very sad for the population. 😢

  2. This is why Vice has gone under. They are just the propaganda arm for the American Empire. The US isn't in Africa to "fight terrorism". It is there to control the continent. The reason there are coups is because the countries leaders were selling out their people and their countries to the West.

  3. America war is not on terror, it's in African countries in order to extract the natural resources of the African countries dirt cheap or sometimes they supply them weapons to exchange natural resources. In reality they create terrorists and they offer solution.
    F*ck the western hypocrites

  4. This too is a farce. The US and EU have created these groups. This is to facilitate the notion that continent African to a haven of instability. The word terrorists can be assigned to anyone. This means that anybody not favored by the US or EU can be targeted. The US has incarcerated many black men in their prisons. Their intentions are to incarcerate a whole continent if they can. They have yet to acknowledge their role in the proliferation of these groups. White racism, greed and cruelty is the catalyst for this. Please do real investigative journalism. Ask how did these so-called terrorists groups come about. The premise of African instability serves US and EU interests. It justify their presence on the continent. Please do the real investigation as journalist. Thanks

  5. If all these African countries can't handle their own wars that's too bad
    the US should not be supporting other countries with weapons , money, personel.
    American soldiers should not be risking their life in Africa

  6. What is the common denominator between all these groups creating havoc no matter be it the Sahel, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. Somalia, Mozambique, Pakistan, Yemen and so forth? The common denominator is Is lam.

    We focus on poverty, this that and the other but conveniently overlook the common denominator. You want to fix the problem. focus on the common denominator and scrutinize the details in their holy book that enable these people to use unimaginable methods of violence to terrorize people and bring various areas under their control with the ultimate goal of creating a caliphate. Whatever these people do is exactly in the footsteps of their beloved Popat and the vio lent teachings contained in that book that inspires them.

    Quit blaming poverty, education and so on. The people who committed 9/11 were not poor or uneducated, therefore there is no need to focus on poverty or education. Call a spade a spade and blame the faith and the book as the root cause of all this violence.

    You don't see people of other faiths running around and indulging in despicable violence. It is only this one faith causing all this havoc. The faith and the teachings need to be exposed.

  7. Bullshit. AU just had to give Burkina Faso weapons and armoured vehicles. If the US and France were really helping why did they not have the necessary arms and equipment. Talk talk talk.

  8. They still call it war on terror in the US😮
    Elsewhere its called war with terror. US has poured millions of dollars to arm "moderate extremists". We saw it in Syria, Libya, Mali, and elsewhere

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