How Russia’s war exposed the dark side of luxury London


Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and resultant sanctions on President Putin’s oligarch elite, a spotlight has been firmly cast on the British capital and its complicity as a store for dirty money. Now, the British government is seeking to salvage its reputation with a clampdown on corruption. But will it be successful? And just how will London fare without its fix of forbidden finance?

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  1. No America and NATO invaded the Ukraine. They overthrew the last LAWFUL ie pro Russian govt and installed a gang of Fascist and even Nazi puppets in ALL the key govt positions, with a puppet figurehead. Check out British MSM eg Google Brian Whelan AND CHannel 4 AND Nazis AND Ukraine. You will note the Dep PM was actually from a Nazi group! 13 pro Russian parties are now banned but US controlled Nazis control the army, media, security services and many govt depts. Oh and Russian language speakers are increasingly being randomly jailed, persecuted or even murdered. THIS is why Russia has to liberate the region. But hey don't let the truth get in the way of your lies. BTW my family is from Kiev.

  2. Exposing it CNBC? You for real?
    Dont flatter yourselves, its been common knowledge for decades…Ever seen Rock n Rolla? Kinda says it there alone…

  3. That very first home was like a mid-range Marriott. Where do they serve the continental breakfast? Next to the smudged glass view of your Target brand stationary bikes? Didn't you guys used to run the world?

  4. jealousy is a disease… get well soon … there are corrupt people of all cultures including the English who have the worst record of corruption with an entire country and other stolen countries and stolen natural resources/land stolen by the English as proof… lets not forget the stolen jewels from India and Africa by the English Royals… I mean the Africans and Indians built UK Europe US Australia with no payment whatsoever and treated in the most inhumane way… Sorry London cannot open its mouth it is built on corruption by its own people. When it comes to corruption I think the English Europeans and US should stop throwing bricks out of their glass houses

  5. Well if was obvious that those third world countries criminals are running for enjoying the western lifestyle as they couldn’t create that lifestyle on their own!!!
    Russia war just proved that Russia is bloodthirsty bully nation that bloodshed on land of Kievian Rus for hundreds years because they wanted to wipe out the history of Eastern Slavs!!!

  6. Tell me, please, how can a normal person leave Russia, sell his last property and move with this money, if he cannot open an account in a European bank? The Russians were simply locked up in a concentration camp. Just what Putin needs.
    P.S.Right now, people who have critical thinking want to leave Russia, unlike their other compatriots who previously emigrated. Just think for yourself.

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