How The U.S Invaded Puerto Rico


The story of Puerto Rico is one filled with U.S. imperialism, exploitation and secret surveillance by the FBI. It explains how the U.S. asserts its power with no regard for the residents of a territory, and how it will do whatever it takes to stay in control.

But it’s also a story of unwavering resistance to U.S. colonialism.

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  1. This fbi constantly surveilling PRs and turning neighbors against each other has a lasting effect to this day .. that’s why in PR if you hang a green flag or even whispers of you supporting Independence Party or even paint ur house with green ppl talk .. u become a kind a pariah.. it’s looked down upon to sympathize with independentistas in PR

  2. I believe for many of the people in this particular section of the comments are blind to the idea of how much power Puertoricans have & severely underestimate island intelligence. With Puerto Rico being their own country & in such an amazing location for trade Puerto Rico would thrive but that is only up to those who have meddled to stop meddling. Cuba, DR, Haiti etc all have had outside sources disrupt the peace and stability of their homes. Furthermore: oppressive regimes when told to leave don’t say : here’s all your resources back so you can thrive. They take and take.

  3. Cuando un boricua gana una medalla o algún premio quizás parezca exagerado cómo lo celebramos pero es una forma de reafirmar lo que somos desde el día uno E.U. trató cambiar idioma y cultura hubo resistencia este ha sido un país tan maltratado somos ratas de laboratorio si todavía existimos entonces hay que creer en los milagros

  4. It doesn't matter if blacks and Puerto Ricans was to get their reparations overnight they would be the first commodities to give it back to the system but not invest in their own

  5. Puerto Ricans blacks and Mexicans will sacrifice their lives to help America grow for the white man's dominance they've been doing it for decades they are the commodity

  6. It doesn't matter anyway and it doesn't make no sense because really any Puerto Rican is not going to sacrifice and live in Puerto Rico for the rest of their lives so it's already too late because every Puerto Rican wants to live good only in America Puerto Rico is not rich equally to America when it comes to finances same thing with Mexico the Latino community it's just out for themselves with greed same thing with any other community for their people

  7. If they want to give Puerto Rico a good shot with Independence, there needs to be a media campaign with key words and phrases that when searched would lead to accessible educational sites and theory. It wouldnt be hard. There are so many articles out there. With the right diction, they could passively inform the island.

  8. If Puerto Rice wants statehood then they should have it. If they want independence then they should have. Either one or other is their choice and I hope they get what they seek. But that being said please don't put up your hopes in AOC she is just another corrupt politician. She is a dime a dozen politician unfortunately. At least I wouldn't put my hopes in her. But this is coming from someone who doesn't trust any politician.

  9. I disagree! If it weren't for the U.S., Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 would be another Cuba 🇨🇺. I am a resident of DC and have NO representation in Congress, pay Federal and DC local taxes, and DC is controlled by Congress. Just like Puerto Rico 🇵🇷. But, if you keep voting Republicans into Congress, places like DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico will NEVER be states.

  10. The Green Gos got it coming 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the green gos are inbreed!! I being living on united state since 2006 !! And Caucasians ppl are inbreed

  11. I want the independence of my birth country, Puerto Rico. We need to fight for independence Now. The US Political Leaders in government, are All Evil, World Wide Terrorists. Infiltrate, create propaganda agendas in that country's leaders and it's people, collapsing the countries economy and then Invade by creating proxy wars, Take Over. America, is already Reaping What, They Have Sowed. 🧭

  12. It’s easy for many people to cry out against the U.S. and call for Puerto Rico’s independence but…The USA funds billions annually to Puerto Rico while its citizens do not pay federal income tax, PR is unable to become an independent nation without falling into a third world country status. It does not have the economic strength let alone the resources to take care of itself, the population, infrastructure people etc. PR only produces 15% of it own food and It’s too dependent on imports and aide to survive just like Guam. While it has the highest GDP in Latin America / Caribbean it’s still poorer than the poorest state, Mississippi. The U.S. accounts for 70% of its trade, mostly pharmaceuticals and manufacturing. It may sound insensitive but it’s better for PR to be a state or USA territory versus their own independent nation.

  13. Puerto Rico is not older than any other places in the world. Egypt is the oldest country in the world when it came to inhabited amd being built. The Peruvian kingdom fron brazil to Argentina is the oldest kingdom in the west. And then mexico qnd they were colonized by the Spanish long before they got to the these islands.
    Well they should fight like Cuba.

  14. Puerto Rico is USA’s Ukraine, could you imagine if Russia or China starts sending $$$$ for military against USA?? This is what the USA is doing to Russia with Ukraine.

  15. Get rid of the Jones Act and than we can talk about remaining a terrtory with extended automony! We just want a living wage without having to escape the island for the US. We don't want to abandon our homeland for the US. Give us the rights we deserve and are due! We don't need independence nor statehood but we want to be able to survive!

  16. Los Boricuas have been going through the same crap since under Spanish rule; Pro-independence, a sense of autonomy, and pro-metropolis. No one wants to move forward, not the pro-statehood, independence, or commonwealth. The supporters of the status-quo continue to believe that they can expand it, which has gone no where since Luis Munoz Marin was the governor. The Statehooders do not have the brass ones to walk away from their fruitless pursue since they will not accept independence even if the Federal government told them in their faces NO to statehood. The best solution is associated nation status. They can have their cake and eat it too. It can still allow Puerto Ricans to have a close association with the U.S. and still be their own nation with real power. If any statehooders still believe in statehood, they can move to any of the 50 states. The autonomistas and independentistas will finally have what they always pushed for, sovereignty.

  17. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and grew up with every political movement around me. Puerto Rico's government's system is the only problem in Puerto Rico, which is corrupt and greedy. Look at Cuba, Republica Dominicana, and Haiti What makes you all think Puerto Rico will survive as an independent Island.

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