Inside a call centre on cost of living crisis frontline


Rising prices are of course having a real impact on people already struggling with the cost of living.

The charity, Turn2us, which advises people in financial difficulty, says it’s receiving an increasing number of calls for help from those in full-time employment. Among them is a teacher who told Channel 4 News he worries about being able to pay his family’s bills and afford petrol each month.

We were invited inside the call centre where the Turn2us helpline operates.

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  1. Outlets subsidised by govts would be for free veges.offering subsidies to farmers to set aside land to grow and make available to the public can work.If govts continue to allow this struggle to get worse their reputation will suffer because of disastrous struggles ensueing.😢

  2. They guys wife thats doing nursing is wasting her time move into engineering if money is an incentive for you because i get paid more than doctors it’s actually embarrassing in what world does someone that goes to uni for years get paid less in work than someone who didnt oh its this world uni are for dopes

  3. My food bank sucks because the people that run it don’t no how to pick out stuff to make up your 3 meals a day instead you get 2 bags filled with shite and mabye enough there to cook one meal they should let people chooses what they need for the 3 days they also need to setup a perishable food bank meat can be frozen for 3 months it would work I would set it up myself but don’t where to start to try and get funding and getting shops to donate there out of date meat so that it can get frozen to keep fresh

  4. They have to many things like iPhones. New tv. New car, to high home Cost, and 90 procent it's there own fauld. Verzekeringen, overal voor. Abonnementen. Only homecost not.

  5. Word on the street is all homes will be taken and everyone will live in tiny coffin apartments that exist in all cities. Sadly mass starvation is planned also. I went travelling a few yrs ago as I saw this coming 10 yrs ago with getting rid of cash etc Aaron russo mentioned it in 07

  6. While teaching full-time, I got in debt from uncovered medical bills, so I put in an ad for a house cleaner/laundress. I’m not sure which of us felt more uncomfortable upon opening the door that Saturday, me, or the principal of the middle school!

  7. we grow our vegetables in our garden buy good amount of dry food
    goodness me
    there is a lot you can buy that is good value
    Just stop talking holidays aboard and make few changes simple 👌

  8. You look well fed might be good go for walk lose weight
    grow your vegetables in wooden box
    buy lentils they last long
    if people are hard up
    Why do they keep pets
    keep busy go for a walk
    clean your garden and house

  9. I have worked from 16 never been out of work. Am 50 years old now still working but lately am thinking f#uk it why bother any more. It doesn't pay to work any more. Thank your government for this. C#nts.

  10. Political leaders/decision makers are ruthless for their own population who are barely surviving with greatest difficulties. The agenda of these leaders are to safe guard the rich
    & do not bother other population. This is universal problem & now the time has come to kickout these politicians.

  11. It's nice that you can get paid to stay home and care for a family member. I don't believe we have anything like that in the states, though a person might get disability payments from social security, but that's an income replacement, not a caregiver's allowance. We have FMLA insurance, but I think that's limited to 3 months. Maybe 6 months, I cannot remember, I used it when my twins were born. I do remember a significant portion of my maternity leave (I took 8 months) was unpaid and without benefits. I sold all my old gold jewelry to cover the mortgage payments. It was well worth it to have the extra time with my babies.

  12. Meanwhile… The Accounts for the Sovereign Grant, which funds the Queen and her household's official expenses, released a report in the summer of 2022, showing that the monarchy cost the taxpayer £102.4m ($114.6m) during the 2021–22 financial year – an increase of 17% from the previous 12 months.

  13. Don't worry, people are resilient and they are gonna survive. Just keep making troubles to push up inflation and counter balance inflation with interest rate hikes. The worst, we all lose everything and start over again

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