Iran promises ‘harsh’ response to Israeli attack that killed top commanders | Vargas Reports


An Israeli airstrike that demolished Iran’s consulate in Syria on Monday killed two Iranian generals and five officers, according to Syrian and Iranian officials. Correspondent Joe Khalil joins “NewsNation Now” with the latest as clashes are escalating between Israel and Hezbollah.

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  1. Isnt it amazing how accurate IDF air striles can be. If only they were 1% that accurate in Gaza, but that expectation in a war is just crazy talk.

  2. Well, Israel just put the keys in the ignition and has activated the “starter” on the engine of the war that leads up to ARMAGEDDON!!! In a few seconds, W.W.III will kick over and START!!!
    If you don’t know Jesus, now is the appropriate time to CHANGE that!!!

  3. Wouldn’t be nice if these middle eastern countries could get there act together, bunch of archaic nonsensical belief systems. Iran: you need to drop your Islamic BS and grow up. Israel you know better and should be more careful in your efforts to end this war.

  4. What about Nato bombing Chinese ambassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1999? People were killed and noone spent one day in jail for that nor did China retaliate. Imagine if China destroyed usa ambasy in Taiwan and said oops soory, mistake.

  5. The Jewish states constantly attacks Syria, Lebanon and Iran and they have been murdering Palestinians in the West Bank since 7 October 2023 and the West Bank did not attack them or contain Hamas led government. The Jewish state is very evil and aggressive, but unfortunately they bribed and coerced their way into controlling the US

  6. Why does Matthew Miller always look like he's lying? Reminds me of a former supervisor: Every time she opened her mouth you could almost see lies just take flight.

  7. Iran will choose to war with God if they find out He still favors his chosen people. And they will fail just like every nation that tried to rise up against God.

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