President Joe Biden said during an interview Tuesday that he and his administration are examining whether he has the authority to act alone and shut down the U.S.-Mexico border to migrants. Rep. Laurel Lee, R-Fla., argues that while Biden does have that power, his attempt is too late.
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Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit he not going to do anything about this shit
The Biden Administration is a joke
Bring the bipartisan Lankford border security bill from the Senate rotting in this Speaker's desk to the floor. Fire the GOP 2024.
In my opinion
If he dosnt know by now if he can close the border or not after 45 years, then he needs voted out.
A little too late🎉
FJB will unveil something in “weeks” we’re told?
Weeks…to simply obey the current law?
Or, weeks to conjure and cajole a new con to peddle as a “solution “ to a problem HE created?
Tell him no to bother.
Trump will fix it in a few months.
This time, permanently…
He’s lying again again and again, He’s chronicled liar!
Biden is the worst president ever
People need to remember it was Biden who opened up the border, he will say he close the borders and take credit for it when it was the Democrats who allowed this to happen not the Republicans remember that people.
Another Biden lie to get votes. Four more years of Biden will bring millions of immigrants on tax payers dollars as he raises tax’s on Americans to take care of illegal criminals. Biden tells the same lies over and over with no end in sight
my beer says, don't forget elections are coming up.. he breezed through all the Fringe so far, next he'll go after the tree huggers and the family pet for votes
Waiting for my husband to get in legally to us from Europe…we've been apart for over a year and only halfway though and has set us back thousands in lawyer and application fees. It's not right for there to be rules that apparently don't need to be followed after all…?
Biden is not sure if he has the power to shut the border, even so "they" may not let him do it, but no problem with forgiving student loan against SCOTUS decision.
Joe bile close the border long as he gets his money
You Mr Biden , have failed the American People
Univision is a LEFTIST TV out of Mexico 🇲🇽 Remember Jorge Ramos the so called journalist who has hated America his whole career.
He has broken the law…..for 3 years. He thinks we are STUPID
A little bit too late…..after 10 million are here in our country 😢😢😢
Kkkkkkkkk. That is what I said, too little and too late because the damage is done and resources and housing are not there anymore and people are a little upset.
Holy shit Biden can hardly talk
You have the damn powe!
Its election time and he has enough blue voters
He relieves student debt. (Which he doesn't have the power to do) Then says he doesn't know if he has the power to secure the border (Which he does have the power to do) Joe Biden is way to incompetent to be our predident!
FALSE. first the ionly bug surge at the border was while trump policies were still in place in 2021 when we reopened and migrants came for the 5 million open jobs. second, Biden-Lankford's border security bill is the toughest ever and Trump is blocking it. he admits he doesnt want to fix the border because Biden might get credit. FOUL!
Believe it when I see it!
What a liar!
The border is open right now because of Donald Trump, it could have been closed by now but Donald Trump wanted it kept open for his own aims – not Americans.
Those country is already sold out to the criminals. it’s too late to fix it. Now we must deal with the consequences.
Americans are in a lot of trouble and danger. Biden doesn’t care. He just want to be reelected.
The government you elect is the government you deserve (Thomas Jefferson).
Biden is a failure to this country, he knows he has always had the tool in the tool box.
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