Kari Lake, Trump, and other Republican politicians are now attempting to pull a complete 180 on women’s rights – but only in messaging.
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https://tinyurl.com/mwykv64x (What to know about abortion in Arizona under the near-total 1864 ban, AP)
https://tinyurl.com/yc7ykstb (Republican candidates downplay past anti-abortion stances ahead of 2024 election, CNN)
https://tinyurl.com/mr2bjcsd (Kari Lake 2022)
https://tinyurl.com/v8ctb4sp (Kari Lake 2024)
https://tinyurl.com/4sac6dz9 (NYT charts)
https://tinyurl.com/bdzzstxd (Trump’s ‘truth’)
https://tinyurl.com/afu7p65t (Trump/reporter 1, h/t Acyn)
https://tinyurl.com/n43bskbz (Trump/reporter 2, h/t Acyn)
https://tinyurl.com/4r73f546 (Trump reverses on ACA/Obamacare)
https://tinyurl.com/4ykrefe8 (Trump’s prior words on ACA)
Conservatives: "why did you proform the abortion?"
Doctor: "because the woman's life was in danger."
Conservatives: "she's alive, right there!"
Doctor: "yes, because the abortion saved her."
Conservatives: "there is no way we can know that!"
Kari Lake has always been so adamant of being Anti-Choice.
Lake is disgusting.
Imagine bragging about: WOMEN DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE? And Arizona did. They adopted the 1864 law enacted by a polygamist of children wives.
Too many states making gay marriage illegal is what led to the SCOTUS ruling that made it nationally legal. Roe prevented states from gutting abortion rights and everyone knew that.
Republicans embrace DEI
D: Deceptive ("dumbass" also fits)
E: Evil
I: Incompetent
Lake will say just about anything to cover up her real backward anti women 1860s mindset.
They flop like a fish on the issues
"Christian nationalist" (oxymoron) Republican politicians be like,
"I'm pro-life except when I vote against the child tax credit, the WIC program, the SNAP program, school meals for children, lower prescription drug prices, capping the price of insulin, universal health coverage, vote against the Emergency Rental Assistance program, vote against lowering housing costs for families, and against gun safety."
my favorite pro-life biblical event is probably the great flood. 😉
I agree with you 💯. It's laughable.
Speaking of stone age. Can we get Canada to stop clubbing baby seals for some jobs and fur?
The GOP is a joke. Which makes the Democratic Party even worse because they barely beat the Republicans.GOP has 0 policies that benefit citizens and are all talking points
At least we quit lynching horse thieves and hanging old ladies. For example …
Eva Dugan (1878 – February 21, 1930) was a convicted murderer whose execution by hanging at the state prison in Florence, Arizona, resulted in her decapitation and influenced the state of Arizona to replace hanging with the lethal gas chamber as a method of execution. Read more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Dugan Interesting story.
The cult will lie and say he didn't do it
One thing we know about most white people don't never believe what they say just believe what they do
Trump is so stupid he doesn't know ACA is "Obamacare"
We are we not making a bigger deal out of the fact that trump keeps saying "democrats even execute babies AFTER THEY ARE BORM!?" This his most despicable blatant lie and he just get's away with saying it all the time.
Flipping and flopping.
She is truly despicable.
So their stance on an issue depends on how many votes they get out of it,what hypocrites.
Amazing how some GOP flip flop. Didn't think my attention span was that short.
So they get what they wanted and now they don't want it? These people are monsters. Trump doesn't deserve another 4 years. Go away.
I’m going to start thinking Kari Lake is a soulless opportunistic ghoul if she keeps this up
But remember, David, tons of people don't understand that the ACA = Obamacare, and will say they are thankful for the ACA but they hate Obamacare. That's how Trump can get away with saying over and over that he wants to destroy Obamacare, but not the ACA.
What is the saddest of all this is, yes, this stance will get them destroyed in a general election, but all the poor women that have to suffer in between that and into the future just so a BASIC healthcare idea can be implemented, is absolutely disgusting.
Oh, a politician flip flopped, big news!
If you honestly believe that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder then you should absolutely not believe that it should be "left up to the states."
Before the Arizona Supreme Court decision, Republicans: "I'm 100% pro-life"…. after the decision, Republicans: "I'm pro-life personally, but I'm really 'pro-choice'". If you believe them, you are the sucker.
Lake is flip flopping faster than a school of pollock on the boat deck. Republicans lie. They’re lying liars who lie.
Republicans are like the dog who caught the car over abortion, and it's great to see.
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