Robert Kennedy Jr has now qualified to be on the ballot in California and other key states, and he just hired a Republican operative to work on his campaign.
#robertkennedyjr #2024election #maga #rawnewsandpolitics
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Israel and Palestine have had decades to make peace. They failed.
Looking back to 2016, it is democrats that are more susceptible to voting for 3rd party candidates to the point where the major democrat candidate loses. The word is, that democrats voting for Jill Stein cost Hillary the election because there were just enough votes lost to Stein in swing states. Democrats don't vote as a solid block like republicans. Give them a few shiny objects like the Green Party, Peace and Freedom, Save the Whales, and these become spoilers for the democrats.
Kennedy promised to pardon trump!! That’s all I need to know.
People have been mind controlled to hate Biden, they don't even know why, usually they can't describe it. There is wide spread cognitive dissonance in this country.
No way Kennedy wins CA he might be on the ballot but he won't win and CA doesn't split their electoral votes his whole campaign is a waste he can't get enough states to win the presidency and it's being funded by Trump billionaires as a way to take votes away from Biden but it looks like he takes more from Trump with his anti-vac quackery
The poles haven't been accurate since at least the 2nd Obama administration. Until they figure out a better way, either keep praying to the poll god or disregard every poll.
I Will Only Vote Kennedy and Put Up My Life's Savings to His Campain!
Someone needs to encourage the crypt keeper to return to the crypt and stay there without speaking any further.
Kennedy isn't going to win in CA. He'll take votes from the nutjob constituency that would typically go for trump.
Another magamouth…
This clown should live in Texas
I feel third party candidates should not be allowed to run In the past they have rarely pulled in 1% of the popular vote and they just end up swaying an election to one way or the other.
The great danger is, if Kennedy wins votes from biden, trump will win. If this happens, the world stock market's will CRASH.
I guess if you already support an antivax conspiratorialist, you're not going to mind a Jan-6 denier on his staff. Fox News originally supported him, until it became obvious he was attracting more Trump supporters than Democrats. Then they couldn't say enough bad things about him! Is California the only true blue state among the ten?
We need to show Mr. Marge Simpson the door
Anyone that spews any of that anti-vax crap is a straight up Kremlin operative.
RFK destroying Palestine is NOT the issue. The world is bemused, sitting and watching while the Divided States of America destroys itself as a country – especially with help from the likes of that fcuked-up clown RFK, and all for the benefit of Mr Shitzenpanz. The Civil War back in the 1860s did not end . . . Everyone simply agreed on a cease fire – pro tem. And it looks like the second-half is getting under way.
All Kennedy's going to do is split the republican voters which assures a Biden 2nd term.
Keep Putting the word Out!
Thanks Gina
Any vote that doesn’t go to Biden is a vote for Trump.
Opinion just what we need. STICK TO REPORTING THE NEWS. democrats did it to themselves
Rfk can ONLY take votes away from trump..period. This is a vote about mental stability , women's health and voting rights so a guy that's running a snake oil show will get lost in the noise.
Good. Replace Biden.
RFK is trying to erase his record of conspiracy, I mean, the guy's a nut job, he said, on video, that COVID was engineered to infect black and white people, but not Jewish and Asian people, he's on video saying that the US spends hundreds of millions a year to develop viruses targeting minorities, he's on video saying that there is a lab in Ukraine gathering Russian and Chinese DNA to create viruses that target specific races, he's on video saying that the Polio vaccine killed way way way more people than Polio itself, and a ton of other batshit crazy conspiracies, the guy became a heroin addict because, unlike his 10 brothers and sisters, he didn't have the strength and character to deal with his father's death, this is the last guy I want to see in charge of the CDC!
You know, any time a Kennedy man either runs for or becomes president, they end up dead. I was floored when announced his candidacy. LOL
Speaking of low information voters, I saw a bumper sticker here in Michigan, "Veterans for trump" How in the world could a veteran vote for trump after he called them suckers and losers, didn't want to visit a veteran cemetery abroad because it was raining and his hair would get wet. He didn't want to be seen with a disabled vet, disparaged a gold star family. Doged the draft because of bone spurs.
The real question is, does this person live in such an insular bubble that they don't know these facts, or do they know these facts and goes, oh well, I still like him. It truly boggles the mind.
Israelis killed in this war: 1,400.
Palestinians killed: 34,000.
That tells me all I need to know about the situation in Gaza.
Absolutely sickening. Thank you for articulating the issue so eloquently 👍❣️
This is scary.
Lmao. Kennedy has turned the name to mud
That dude is one of the creepiest men.
No competent Democrat would vote for Kennedy.
Once more of the crap that RFK Jr has warbled out of his mouth surfaces he may end up warbling back to his little nest of privilege to be politely forgotten. I could be wrong, but I don't think we have too much to worry about. I hope I'm right.
Please stick to reporting and let the American people decide who they want to vote for.
DINO – Dem in name only!
You're like everybody else, unaware of reality. America doesn't Supply drones, Israel gets them from India! The protesters don't know this either! If the drone strikes on civilian targets bother them, go protest the Indian Embassy!!
Before the 2020 election Donald Trump Junior was asked how they plan on winning. He said there's three routes into the White House and we have them all covered! The big lie, the Supreme court, and Congress! If the Supreme Court or congress gets it, Trump wins! They've all been bribed or blackmailed!!
Ty As Always ,Love U Lady🌹
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