Kim Iversen: Digital IDs To Be Rolled Out By Big Banks For WEF’s GREAT RESET Agenda


Kim Iversen explains the World Economic Forum’s efforts to introduce a digital ID.

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  1. You do need a ID for everything that is government related. Stop trying to make as if it is unnecessary. You are a individual and people need to be able to know who they are talking to on the internet. It must just be regulated before it goes on line. The boundaries need to be determined, and it must be transparent to the people.

  2. In a way, a federal ID is a necessary addition in the new digital world because of all the theft and fraud that seems to be exploding recently. Digital makes things easier and convenient. That makes theft and fraud easier to. We need a digital ID. A constitution for the internet ID needs to be set in place first. The people need inputs into this constitution. Checks and balances first.

  3. A digital prison, when you add carbon tax system for fuel purchase and a social credit score like a drivers lenience demerit system, they just turn off your bank account if you protest against the government, and sell your purchasing history to marketers for a little more cash on the side! and the 15 minute cities will make sense with all these controls in place, it will be like Logans Run when they add a age cap!

  4. For them to say its secure is just a blatant lie – having all our data in one spot will make it easier for hackers to cause havoc – recent data breaches in Australia have shown how dangerous a full digital currency and ID will be and cause so many problems for all

  5. If this would be good for us, they would not force US into it…This stinks to much to be honest. We will Own Nothing and they will Own everything and they will be even Happier…

  6. We the people will prevail, their is more of us then their is of them the top percent, klaus schwab and his elites are going down we will beat them we will prevail and then get rid of these psychopaths.

  7. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  8. Who are these people ? Why is it lots of people moan about it but NOTHING happens . This evil satanic regime . GOVERNMENTS ARE TO SERVE THE PEOPLE !! We need a revolution a proper deep rediscovery of liberty . Magna Carta , common law , bill of rights all swept away .. Australia has made is IMPOSSIBLE TO RENEW TRADE LICENSES TO WORK WITHOUT IT zzzz this is GODs judgment

  9. This is all about control. People need to resist this communist Government overreach.

    “ Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”

    -C. S. Lewis

  10. I don't need any form of ID, I know who I am.
    NO to digital ID's, NO to CBDC's, NO to digital surveillance, NO to the pandemic treaty. Fk Schwab, gates the WEF, WHO, UN, NATO and the rest…

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