Living Rent-Free Next to Millionaires


Just off the shore of one of the nation’s most expensive zip codes, a community of free-spirited boat dwellers have found a way to live rent-free next to millionaires. Known locally as “anchor-outs,” their aging vessels float illegally on the waters off Sausalito, an exclusive enclave in the San Francisco Bay Area. But now, as enforcement ramps up, their floating utopia is under threat.

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  1. Ah, they even have homeless drug addicts in their oceans. Wow 😂 California is a sh*thole. This is such a biased bullshit video. 7:11 It’s not a “community”, it’s an illegal drug addict squatting encampment.

  2. That guy seems loaded. But who am I to judge. I think if you’re capable; get a job and pay rent somewhere to live and get clean off drugs first and foremost. Don’t be a victim. That’s not the way to look at things. There are rules and you’re breaking them. Good luck anchor outs

  3. The rich finance guy is the same kind of guy that shows up to town hall meetings to oppose any sort of affordable housing being built while he sits there and says he doesn't know the solution to the problem.

  4. Why don’t these people sell their boats before they get crushed? Or literally move harbors? Seems strange. They’ve got other options. Even though it sucks of course to be kicked out.

  5. snobs always make these people out to be drug addicts and criminals. they just hate spending lots of money to live in that area just to see people living nearby who dont pay nearly as much

  6. I got crushed by the federal government for speaking my mind about what I perceived as the evils of authoritarian government. I'm still homeless, in the East Bay, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with me being a felon, me being a drug addict, or me being lazy…Not one of those was or is true. I"m homeless because the system is corrupt and has no heart for people who originated from trauma or government crushing the little guy who has no support system.

  7. My friend went homeless and lived on a non-functional boat in Southern California.
    Another friend lost her townhouse in AltaDena. No bad life experience, she was a Special ed coordinator and a Behavior mod therapy entrepreneur.
    Rich people thought both my friends were just beneath them. I don't understand conservative arrogance and snobbery.

  8. ok but these people dont have to live in there boat in sanfransisco, mf its a boat, take it somewhere else not at the millionaires house? yall could literally all go up the coast to no san fran and be chillin

  9. You can feel bad all you want about these homeless people but when they show up at your doorstep, you’ll be the first one to want them to leave because they are living in clutter and filth. This is not a lifestyle to look up to.
    There is a difference between someone who is down on their luck while working to make things better for themselves versus someone who doesn’t care about themselves or the environment and they choose to live in filth.

  10. Governments suggest give these people a special Marina. So they can pay a very small amount to rent. It lives safely these people are not a burden It's better than dealing with the homeless

  11. “But bottom line is you’re breaking the law” okay Fascist so when they change the law and say people can’t live in houses if they don’t have 5,000,000 spending money are you going to say “okay fair enough it the law” because I highly doubt it

  12. The jealousy from the rich fellow is palpable, he doesn't like the life out side his door let alone the people living out side in his view. All he wants is to lord over his view and point ….what a horrid man.

  13. no offense, but dude there already out in the water, let it be, if you don't want that view, you just mentioned no more buildable land in marin county, cool, so it should sell fast, and go live anywhere foook'n else playboy,, this is just too much to be honest, people are in the ocean brotha, you DO NOT control the foook'n ocean fool ,

  14. A case can be easily made in Favor of these Boat Homes Private Property being Confiscated. Prolly can't have it tried in your town causing the wrecking lives and their Family Memories and Airlooms Much else of course and These Tax Paying Citizens Boats / Homes Destroyed by our Gov. That have no right to bring harm to good and decent people. The Situation shld be rectified and Moneys made Payable from the trouble making Gov. Another Gov. Problem being put to bed by a higher court.

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