Making $105K A Year As A Plumber in San Antonio, TX | On The Job


Richard Armendariz, 30, is a plumber for Bluefrog Plumbing + Drain in San Antonio, Texas. He’s expecting to make between $105,000-$125,000 this year, including overtime. The father of two previously worked as a pool cleaner making $12/hour, or roughly $25,000 a year with no overtime.

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Making $105K A Year As A Plumber in San Antonio, TX | On The Job



  1. You make the money so other peoples lives around you is better, even if you're stressed out. That's life as a man. You keep on going because other people depend on you.

  2. I don't get it if trades are in demand and need people go to to trade school to learn this then why people don't do it? If he's doing well economically,then why isn't anyone going into the the trades?

  3. Bro honestly that's hard work with those hours no matter what you're doing. You worked 2 weeks in a row during a snowstorm with no water yourself? You better be making 125k+. I hope you got your masters license and started your own business by now 2 years later.

  4. I still don’t understand why trades are looked down upon, when I graduated high school I decided to get a 2 year trade degree instead of going to a university and everyone told me I was making the biggest mistake. I finished that degree when I was 19 and immediately went to work for a chemical plant and at the age of 23 while all of my peers were graduating college and getting their first jobs with tens of thousands in debt- I was debt free with a 6-figure income and money in the bank and bought my first house. Where is the mistake in that? What about that should be looked down upon?

  5. I can make any residential plumbing repair and some commercial…it's difficult to stock all material for both. One thing I can do that most repair shops can't is plumb a house from groundwork to finish… by myself.

  6. Im 27 and started in the trade about 4 months ago and absolutely love it i never thought id like this trade & wish i did this instead of college honestly. I was always nervous that you had to be super
    Mechanical, but not as much as i thouht all it really takes is practice. I love it and really enjoy it.

  7. I live in California Northern California I spent the last 40 years of my life as a master carpenter and plumber no way any of these videos show what it's like to be a commercial plumber trying to make a buck let me drive all over the United States fixed problems that people have no clue about you wanna come do it do it it's not easy but once but once you ** figure it out At least you know critical thinking

  8. Service plumbers, or any MEP service techs, doing regular work in peoples houses, making 6 figures, are absolutely, 100% scam artists ripping homeowners off. This is well know across the industry (I am a licensed plumber in NC). These shops are charging criminally overinflated prices for simple work and often selling work that doesn't need to be performed. This isn't about 'knowing your worth' or 'getting what the market can bare', this is straight up highway robbery and fraud due to deception. Homeowners beware, people and companies like Richards are out to rip you off.

  9. I want to get into trades to make me more of man but I hear from several trades men how it's not worth the long hours, inconsistent work, and the only way to make close to six figures is by doing 12 hour Days

  10. I'm 24 Years old from Greece, Athens.. I got into university Business Management but I dropped out.. now I applied into Plumbing school for next 2 years and I can't wait to learn that trade… I realise that Office job has many disadvantages.. too much stress , responsibilities , and of course I avoided the loans.. Plumbing School is 3k for 2 years and you get more time free to learn a language.
    I'm proud that my parents were so much happier when I told them about Plumbing, rather than University…
    All my friends have university degrees and they get minimum amount of money.

  11. I’m a master plumber here in san antonio tx , congratulations man ! also when u wear out of running on call and weekends give me a holler! we don’t do on call or work weekends, we’re the new gen of plumbers lol ! seriously

  12. I’m 17 and I’m currently studying biology chemsitry and maths,but I’m planning to take a course on plumbing gas engineering since I have relatives who make 6 figure salaries

  13. Good man you worked hard and deserve every penny of it. Its right about those going to school ticking up big student debts studying for 5 years only to get a piece of paper at then end of it working a 9 to 5 job with a big debt to pay back to the government. Least doing a trades apprentice you get paid to learn and once you pass your apprentice you don't have a student debt to pay like all the rest of people that go the university pathway.

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