Marjorie Taylor Greene Pushes To Remove House Speaker Mike Johnson | US News Today | N18V | News18
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia announced on Wednesday that she will force a vote to remove Mike Johnson as speaker of the House. The conservative firebrand filed the motion last month but held off on formally introducing it, which would require a vote on Mr Johnson’s fate within two legislative days.
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Mtg wants to be speaker!
You not doing the job you suppose do mike jonhson instead you are doing everything democrats want you are talking like nothing happen but you and all those rinos area disgrace for the country you should live the speaker job
Look you may not like Mike Johnson and the way he is doing. But GOD SAID LEAVE Mike Johnson alone, that GOD is guiding him so instead of ridiculing him pray for him. MTG be care full your messing with GODS chosen. If you serve GOD like you are surpose to, pray for you brother in Christ, and if you want to have him removed, by all means you need to step up and take the speakers job. Lets see how you would handle the speakers office. But untill you step up and fill his shoes, then keep you big, wide, loud mouth shut. LORD BLESS OUR SPEAKER MIKE JOHNSON AND KEEP YOUR ANNOINTING ON HIM. THANK YOU LORD.
They should vote to remove Margie Greene. This is one ignorant woman. How did this woman ever get in Congress. Dag gonna get. Go home.
Thank you MTG🇺🇸
U remove Johnson, u get a democrat to replace him , so the democrats have the upper hand again real smart liberal liberal
Wake up Green . If u believe in respect u sure don’t respect u talk out of both sides of your mouth and yes I went thru a partial abortion . No doctor had to cut up a baby between 2,3 months and. It’s a human being . Sorry people that’s a human from conception. Do u know the definition of a Christian? U won’t listen to Mike Johnson is fine hardheads
Stupid is as stupid does!
This women is not doing right for America
MTG should not be a leader in the party. The woman has REALLY poor judgement. Johnson has practical intellegence. We should keep him.
GET READY, GET READY, GET READY GOD IS EVEN AT THE DOOR SEEK GOD WHILE NEAR FOR SALVATION. Sharing Scriptures Bible King James Health: Leviticus 11:1-47, Lv 17:10-14, Lv 19:28, Lv 13:46, Lv 77:22-24, Is 3:16-26, Is 33:15-16, Is 65:4, Is 59:2, Gn 1:29, Gn 2:9, 16-17, Gn 3:18-21, Ex 15:26, Ex 23:25, 1Cor 6:19-20, 1Cor 10:31, 1Cor 3:16-17, Deut 22:5, Deut 4:40, Deut 32:46-47, Deut 12:25, Deut 23:12-13, Ez 47:12, Ez 44:23, Coloss 3:15, Ecl 11:10, Exñcl.1:8, Eph 6:12, Eph 5:18, Eph 4:6, 1 Sam 14:32-34, 2 Sam 11:1-3, 2 K 9:30, Prov 3:7-8, Prov 14:30, Prov 8:13, Prov 20:1, Ps 107:19-20, Ps 119:70, Ps 127:2, Ps 147.3, Jer 33:6, Jam 5:14-15, 3 Jn 1:1-2, Num 11:4:31-35, Jn 9:1-41, Jn 4:31, Mt 10:8, Mt 6:25-34, Mt 4:4, Lk 4:1-41, Lk 15:11-32, Lk 5:31-32, Mt 9:35-36, Dan 1:8, 13-15, 2Cor 13:11, 1Tim 4:8} Sharing YouTube Ch On Health & Wellness Literature Exp: Ten Talents Cookbook, A Better Way Cookbook, Better Choices Cookbook, Fighting Disease With Foods, Plants That Heal, Ministry Of Healing, Enciclopedia Natural Remedies, Counsels On Diets & Health, } pg 540 74.3 M.M pg 238.2 Family Heritage Books Mon-Fri 8-5pm 1-800-777-2848 OR Harvest Time Books Mon-Thur 8-5 (931)692-2777 AFTV / R.H. Nov 1904, H.R. pg 75} Sharing YouTube Ch: A.F.T.V. Pr. Doug Batchelor, Pr. Jean Ross invites 6615 Sierra College Blvd. Granite Bay Ca 95746 1(877) 506-1751 (916) 434-3880 Everyone Invited Prophecy Odyssey Seminar Expo. 09/20/2023-10/05/2024 7pm P.T. New York Stream Live 3ABN/ Facebook/ Y.T. / Roku TV Literature, Health Sessions, Diff. Presenters, Evangelism , Bible Class Register@ Tune In Every Sun 7pm P.T Bible Answers Live Send Bible Questions 1(800) God-Says Literature Tune In It Is Written Pr. John Bradshaw Donate @ } Prophesy Again TV & S.T.S Ministry Invites Everyone Fellowship Wed 7pm Sat 9:30am (407) 241-9130 Join Us Midday Power Surge 12 Noon Today 7pm E.T. Tune In Y.T./ Facebook/ Instagram Listen Podcast Join 3 Angels Academy 1415 Franklin Gateway SE Marietta Georgia} APTV Apocalypse Ministries Pr.Marcus Masón Invites Everyone Fellowship 800 Snuff Branch Pulasky TN, 1(931) 363-2059 Wed 7pm Sat 9:30am Donate@ Tune In Y.T./ Face/ Inst/ Roku TV} State Line SDA Pr.Isaac Olatunji 27272 Main St. Ardmore Al, (256) 457-9741 Everyone Invited Health Session Expo. Register Call 05/26/2023 5:30-8:30pm (Meal Prov) Donate} Amazing Discoveries T.V (1-866) 572-9457 Donate } David House Ministry (757) 955-6871 Fellowship Wed 7pm -Sat 9am @ 41161 Norfolk Va, 23541} F.T.B. Ministry Kingston Jamaica Pr. Lecky Invites (876) 289-6392} RedAdvenir Int. Pr. David Gates Invites Everyone Tune In Sat 9am Y.T Need Volunteers, Medical Miss. @ (423) 473-1841 +591(7210-0006} Rev 14:6-12, Jn 3:16-18
how dumb hare you MTG you will not win to expeld M.Johnson you will never get the votes It is M.Johnson that could get you expeld from congress if you keep pushing you hare the one that is demolishing the republican party whit all your lies and shananagands So now M.Johnson dont wait to do it befor the party is completaly distroys and cut all republican from being elected in novembre 2024
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