Michael Szanto discusses how the coronavirus is disrupting the US economy


Economist #MichaelSzanto joins Larry King on PoliticKING to discuss how the coronavirus is disrupting the U.S. economy and impacting 2020 politics.

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  1. I told my wife and friends 2 months ago the country was going to shut down in a couple months, start stocking up then I thought about it and started predicting a few other things. We'll see if they all come true. One just did yesterday. Back in January common sense should have told everyone it was going to spread throughout the world. The Fed most people know should not even exist. If you step back and take a look the controllers of the Fed are the reason why this planet is in the shape it's in. The death and destruction of whole populations backing both sides not caring who wins in the end. Step back and take a look

  2. The population needs to know that the US would be much better off abolishing the central bank in the United States anyway.

    It's time for American's to control American money!!

    Most Americans have no idea that Private Eurpean banker's control the Central Bank. American tax payers are nothing more then cash cows to them. No way their best interest is for the people of the US

  3. No one should be talking about the economy or blame. We should all be working on getting test kits and a vaccine, self containing our contact in every way. All is BS. Everything should be a focus on pulling through this and conquering it. Any financial help should be for individuals in need and not the economy or the stock market.

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