Young Canadians talk about the increasing difficulty of getting a full time, long-term job. Click here for the full story:
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funny how things have not changed lol
Two part time jobs, totaling 36 hours a week.
This was SIX years ago and look how much worse it is now.
"Free internships" is illegal. She should report those companies to the labour board.
If Trump were still in office, oil would be flowing, energy would be plentiful and inflation would be in check.
The Democrats don’t care about the American people at all.
Give Birth to a Statesman Baby & Forever Enjoying Entourage Motorcade.
All Remaining non-biological Children Enjoy Same Benefits.
National Day Care。
Ten Children Per Household。
Government Disbursement of Baby Bonus.
$200 per child MULTIPLY number of babies.
生多多,世世代代 entourage。
It's not about weather yiy went to college or university now , it's about who you know. It's impossible to get a good paying job 9-5 that you can actually live on. Houses where I'm at to rent go for 3000 a month for a 3br bungalow house. Not heated or lighted. 1 bed app are 1700. With my job at 21$ wich is not bad pay , if i wasn't in low rental, i wouldn't make it even with child benefits. 3kids btw. They make it harder to live now. It's ridiculous 😒
Working all the time often turns people into abusive monsters like my awful Ebenezer stepdad working all the time is horrible and I think people doing it are nuts rather be dead than turn into a monster like my stepfather working all the time screws with people's mind
Well, we can all rest easy knowing that the elite class is doing better than ever, and that's what matters most.
Thank you Boomers…
I rather live near the sea then working 2 jobs just to make ends meet
America would be just fine if it wasn't so f**king greedy.
who needs jobs. Let's give all our money away to the rest of the world. Yeah. If we aren't doing well then us and them can feel better out the world.
Lol 4 jobs just to exist in America…
Thank you liberal government
Ask some of them: "What was your major in college?" When they answer "Gender Studies", "Lesbian Dance Theory", or "Yogi Bear Theology", I guess you'll know why they have three jobs…
Most people work two jobs.
What is your degree in? How much student debt do you have? That lady that worked two internships had a leather and fur luxury coat and leather boots….hummmmmm. .Do you have a Smart Phone, Cable TV. or buy coffees every day, eat meals out, new clothing, expensive hair cuts, gym membership?? These are luxuries that many of us have chosen to do without in order to pay our bills. We do not consider those essentials but luxuries. I get a $12.00 haircut at the beauty school, I carry my ice tea to work. I have a $23.00 a month flip phone not a $100.00 SmartPhone.and buy my clothes at Old Navy and so on…
but but hard work…
The economic uncertainty is why it's so vital to stay out of debt.
And yet people voted Justin Trudeau thinking life would be easier 😂
3 years later and its only gotten worse..
-The military just might see a rise in recruitments.
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