Nasa’s Voyager-1 sends usable data from deep space | BBC News


The US space agency says its Voyager-1 probe is once again sending usable information back to Earth after months of spouting gibberish.

The Nasa spacecraft is humanity’s most distant object, being more than 24 billion km (15 billion miles) away.

A computer fault stopped it returning readable data in November but engineers have now fixed this.

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  1. The ship that keeps on Giving. I have been following Voyager my entire life….I was 2 when it started it's journey. The fact that it keeps on sending bleeps…is haunting. Seems more and more we will malfunction long before it does. All the same…when we are gone…it will still be out there….just being.

    A time capsule of Us…shot out into places we will never be. Yet my bank can't keep a real time account on my balance.

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