Northwestern agrees to students’ ‘clear set of demands’, both sides negotiating in good faith


For five days, the shouts of student protesters and supporters rang out from Northwestern University’s Deering Meadow as they joined demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war unfolding on college campuses nationwide. But the meadow on the suburban Chicago campus fell silent hours after student organizers and the school announced an agreement late Monday to curb protest activity in return for the reestablishment of an advisory committee on university investments and other commitments. By quickly defusing the protests in Evanston and avoiding the longer standoffs that happened on other campuses, the agreement at Northwestern offered an example of successful negotiations between anti-war demonstrators and administrators. Brown University announced a similar deal. Still, the arrangement drew dissent from both sides. Protesters condemned the Northwestern agreement as a failure to stick to students’ original demands while some supporters of Israel said the deal represented “cowardly” capitulation to protesters. As Northwestern swiftly reaches a deal with student protesters, and a way forward, FRANCE 24’s Nadia Massih is joined by The Daily Northwestern’s Editor in Chief Jacob Wendler.

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  1. NYPD……… you have any evidence that protesters are outsiders or you are talking like your boss Biden who lied that "he saw photos of beheaded children" !!!!!!!

  2. Is it time to restrict Palestinian immigration? This is disgraceful behaviour affecting a wide number of University sites disrupti ng the educational needs and services for all students.

  3. The Daily Northwestern's Editor in Chief, Jacob Wendle answered the questions perfectly. A masterclass in giving an interview and presenting an unbiased account. Politicians, spokespeople and media people, much older than Jacob, could learn a lot. He was FANTASTIC.

  4. These escalations are being funded by Isalmic republic of Iran. I R.I is provoking and funding those protestors with the hope of destabilizing the U.S. It is time for the world to take action against this regime and bring peace to the region and also to the world.

  5. Thank you for ACTUALLY TALKING TO THE STUDENTS and getting OUR PERSPECTIVE. The same unfortunately cannot be said about the majority of U.S. media coverage.

  6. It's always pro Israeli jewish….who provoked violence or shown aggressive behaviour towards protestors..then American media should stop spreading fake news that pro Palestinians are spreading violence 😕😐

  7. So much for a 2 state solution. Hamas and Netanyahu colluded(knowingly ot not) to ensure that would never happen because in that scenario they both fade into obscurity. Our best option is divestment. Wait too much longer and we may have no options.

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