On Shaky Ground: The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake | Retro Report | The New York Times


The 1989 earthquake that shook San Francisco sent out a wake-up call that continues to echo across the country.

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On Shaky Ground: The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake | Retro Report | The New York Times



  1. Those high-consequence, low-probability events are really tough to allocate expenditures for. Like, the Oregon quake/tsunami seems like it has a decent chance of playing out in current lifetimes, and it has a pretty high consequence, so preparedness (to some degree) seems warranted. But how much? The Yellowstone supervolcano is VERY high consequence, but has much lower probability – do we average those out and say we ought to spend money on preparedness for that, too? I don't envy the decision makers – you're either wasteful or neglectful.

  2. I was there in San Francisco in July of 89 my first time visiting The City. It was hard to imagine anything happening to the most beautiful and breathtaking area in the entire country! I went back East for my sophomore year in undergraduate school and a girl I dated at the time ran into the college library were I was working and told me about the quake from watching the World Series! I couldn’t reach my friend who lived in Sacramento for like 2 weeks! Many mixed emotions as I watch this video and the profound sadness I felt about that marvelous city! But also encouraged by the bravery shown by all citizens to help out! God bless San Francisco!

  3. i was in both quakes and they were VERY different. loma priata, rolled, i looked outside, as i had run for a doorway, i realized what was happening because i felt lightheaded, i was on the couch preparing to watch the world series and looked up to see my kitchen light swinging and my concrete driveway rolling like a wave. id never seen anything like it, i was a junior in high school. northridge was a side to side shake…. both were terrifying to be in.

  4. I remember that day well, I was just walling out of my work,a job at the local hardware store in the Central valley, everything falling, there were three strong quakes in succession

  5. They are wrong on the date. There is the 1989 Craig talking about in the next big one was in 1992 June the iPhone leave and Landers California. That one was so strong. We felt it in Las Vegas that water was flashing out of the pool and the chandelier swinging like somebody was playing on it.

  6. Let those that don’t prepare suffer their consequence of their lack of action. Why should people care and make any effort for those who lacked it to begin with.

  7. Mother Nature is an Oakland As fan.
    That play at second base was a clear out, yet the umpire called him safe.
    The ground shook immediately..

  8. Believe in Yeshua as the son of God who died and rose 3 days later and receive eternal life in heaven with God. Just choose to believe that.
    You should seek God in scripture and learn who He is and obey what He says, the whole Bible. God is faithful and trustworthy He never fails. He is awesome each day. 💕

  9. In a report in 2004 of what would happen to New Orleans if a category F4/5 hurricane hit was grim. But it could hit they said this year or in 400 years, Katrina arrived the next year.

  10. This affected my family too. My father and his wife lived in northridge when the quake happened. My oldest child was 4 months old. It was 8 days before I got word that they and my brothers were all okay. The collapsed high way was the same route my dad took to work everyday. He was walking down the driveway to the car when it hit. They still live out there in Apple Valley.

  11. I live right across the St. Johns bridge in Portland. It's a majestic old bridge. There's been tons of talk about "The big one" the past few years for this area. Talk is cheap. I just hope that some implementation can be done for the bridges and infrastructure for an earthquake. If the I-5 or 205 bridge (that connect to WA) went down, it'd cripple the area drastically. The I-5 bridge is bad enough when it's operational. We talk about it… but I really don't think we're ready. We've got our disaster kit made, make sure you get yours too.

  12. I was in 3rd grade when this Quake happened and my mom had just driven off The Cypress Freeway 5 minutes before it collapsed.

    We lived only 5 minutes away from The Freeway.

    My mom and I were outside of our house in the garage; when a few neighbors came around too talk, that's when two teenage young men came around and told Us the Freeway had collapsed.

    It was quite shocking, I mean we had just gotten off that Freeway.

    In the weeks following my mom describes it like Vietnam because of the Helicopters flying over every night and the smell of the dead bodies, accept I truly don't remember smelling anything.

    My allergies were so bad then I couldn't smell a thing mom could.

    After, everything had been removed from the Freeway; it became a rather Eye Sore it seemed like it took forever to tear down That Double Decker Cypress Freeway.

    Oh one other thing someone may find this interesting at the Time Oakland, San Francisco had its Quake, in 89, China had one too it killed 20 people.

    I sort of wondered if California and China shared a Faultline somehow.

    Hey who ever posted this piece on the World Series Quake, 1989, Don't forget too do The Oakland, CA & Berkeley Hill Firestorm.

    Where the only thing not burned by that Fire is The Claremont Hotel, and the fact the Fire Hopped The Freeway.

  13. My sister and son in law lived in Walnut Creek and crossed the baybridge 20 min before the quake hit!!! I remember the event vividly when the poor man was trapped in the vehicle

  14. World Series have a lot of lives. At 5:04 p.m. on a Friday the freeways would have been an absolute gridlock. Thousands would have been crushed by the Nimitz overpass freeway collapse. And the World Series being played between the two cities affected by the earthquake find the game in San Francisco where the epicenter was in Oakland. And to make it even more surreal, and this I think it's really strange. That day was my wife's birthday and she predicted earthquake on her birthday 10 days prior. And furthermore, and very strange, my birthday falls on a major California earthquake that was a 7.9 to 8.2 and possibly the largest earthquake recorded in the lower 48. My brother was born on the same day as the big one in San Francisco which is where we live and I was born. Both those quakes what's 7.9 Loma Prieta 6.9. All of them in California and my wife's name is Kali. I think it's pretty strange and the odds are probably astronomical. I don't know, what do you think?

  15. Nothing about California is modern, liberal, or fair. It's a sham sold to frustrated East Coast types. Fires make the air unbreathable, too. Oregon, best get fixed, I'm coming in 20 years, if I can save by then on pittance SSI…OR America could not keep starving disabled people and making them live on an average of 10k a year…report on that anytime, NYT

  16. They say Prepare prepare. But the truth is we will never be prepared for An Earthquake or the Big one it will always be chaotic because no one knows exactly when or where it will happen it's one of those natural disasters that cannot be predicted it's not like one of those natural disasters that come around once a year like a Tornado 🌪️ or Hurricane 🌀 that can be predicted

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