Paul Lisnek on ‘Bring Chicago Home,’ the Cook County State’s Attorney race, the House’s $1.2T spendi


CHICAGO — WGN Political Analyst Paul Lisnek joined WGN Evening News to discuss several big stories from the week.

The topics include the failed “Bring Chicago Home” referendum, the Cook County state’s attorney primary, the House’s $1.2 trillion spending bill, and more.

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  1. The CTU got johnson elected! The ctu WAS the new machine but it jumped the shark. People saw them marching kids to vote and got ticked off. The CTU will NOT stand the test of time. The illegitmate, uneductated, psychopathic leader is stacy davey gatez <sic>. She is bad news and wants to give our city to black street gangs. The world is upside down. RECALL JOHNSON! Turn our cops back ON!

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