‘Politically clever’: Trump denies Democrats ability for abortion ‘scare campaign’


The Australian’s Washington Correspondent Adam Creighton has weighed in on Donald Trump declining to endorse a national abortion ban.

“Basically Donald Trump denied Democrats the ability to have a huge scare campaign in the lead-up to the election,’ Mr Creighton told Sky News host Caleb Bond.

“They were really itching for Republicans to propose some sort of ban, whether it be after six weeks or 15 weeks or whatever it is.

“But Trump I think has been very clever politically and he said, look, let’s just leave it up to the states – that after all is now the law of the land in the US, following the Dobbs decision, which was June 2022 I believe.

“It’s really not such a crazy concept, so yes it makes perfect sense.”



  1. Politically clever = bullshit.

    Fact is, Trump has done more to undermine abortion freedoms than any US president in living memory, regardless of what is new found "stance" might be. This is not a hypothetical. He did it, and now people are waking up to the consequences.

    Republicans are doing what is technically referred to as "bitching out" of their policies once the realise how unpopular they are.

  2. So allowing a federal government to practice overreach on such policies across all states in the US is a good thing instead of allowing individual states autonomy to legislate such policies seems crazy to me. Also should Assange be pardoned i fear he'll have an " Unfortunatele" accident shortly there after.

  3. Uh Oh. The DJT stock price is crashing again today. You MAGA's better sell out now before you lose the lot.
    As soon as tRump is allowed to sell he's going to crash the price completely because he knows it's a scam and he's going to want your money.

  4. My neighbor who is a through and through liberal, but wants to act middle of the road was deeply upset when they overturned Roe v. Wade. I looked at her and said can you still get an abortion where you stand today? She looked at me with a dumbfounded look and said yes. I replied why should somebody from our state, tell somebody from Utah what they can do with their body? She had no answer and changed the subject. That’s when you know you’ve done the right thing.

  5. Trump is a clever business man. He knows how to learn, walk, chew gum at the same time. Not the same with JB. JB can barely eat ice cream and talk.

  6. Never fails to amaze me how a couple of guys are sitting here talking about abortion, abortion seems to run our politics, it’s up to the individual woman whether or not she wants to have a child people need to practice their sex habits so they don’t get pregnant it’s that simple.

  7. The Australian is a Murdoch paper so this is Murdoch soft balling Murdoch. Nothing clever about Trump deciding women have no right to make decisions on their own bodies. No surprise this Murdoch backed orange deviate is a sex offender, misogynist and rapist.

  8. I guess you didn't see Dark Brandon's latest "attack ad" on Traitor Trump's Abortion ban and how it effects women's prospect of being able to have children in the future huh, Adam?

  9. Abortion isn't a Constitutionally protected right like progressives keep trying to push. It's a state level issue and that's where it should be. Democrats are so disingenuous on this topic and most Americans can see it, you know except the looney leftists who are incapable of rational thought.

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