President Biden on death of Alexei Navalny


President Biden on death of Alexei Navalny: “I’m literally both not surprised and outraged by the news….make no mistake, Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death.” Full video here:

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  1. This guy is a comedian. With the amount of blood on America's hands? What's the difference between navalny and what U.K and U.S is doing to Assange? What they wanted to do to Snowden?

  2. Biden cares so much about other countries, Putin, Ukraine, and Navalny, but there is not much care (or none of care) about Americans and America. There is a huge amount of problems in America. Corruption exists in America as well, killings, and many other horrible things but he is standing there on a stage and talking to american people about someone from Russia.

  3. Well this aged well… CIA-backed Ukrainian intel official confirmed Navalny died of natural causes, do to a detached blood clot. So before making statements, get the full story.

  4. The moment when the United States is trying to make a man out of a man rejected by the majority of the people of Russia. Almost the heir to the Russian throne. The worthless wife of a traitor to the country who sold himself for dollars. If he really supported the people and the country, he would be alive as the politician Nikolai Bondarenko is living now, making statements worse than Navalny.

  5. It would be advisable that this Muppet first figures out and gives answers on who murdered Jeffery Epstein….and to give some answers on that fact.

  6. Putin didnt kill alexei novalniy
    Baiden bro go sleep pls dont lie
    Russian always will stonger enought хватит старик
    Putin didnt kill alexei
    Dont lie man and. Put of ur musk baiden

  7. In George Washington's farewell address George Washington warned us about the dangers of "ambitious and unprincipled men who seek to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

    With remarkable clairvoyance Washington predicted how an unscrupulous politician would subvert our elections in an attempt to stay in power.

    Washington foresaw the age of Trump when he said, "A party head agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms,

    kindles the animosity of one part against the other and foments occasionally riot and insurrection." And that this would, "open doors to foreign influence and corruption."

  8. And you terrorist didn't just poison your citizens with the vaccine??? You haven't been poisoning the Amerikkkan people with fluoride in the drinking water??? Shut yo old genocide genetically inferior @ss up!

  9. Navalny was a nationalist , didn't think Ukrine should have ever left Russia. He fought for change, but only to replace Putin with another Authoritarian. Zelensky was considered corrupt but now a hero and we throw billions. Why do we continue to elevate these people?

  10. The united states did it! Pitin didn't kill him. The US had spies do it so they can pursued the congress to support Ukraine smfh. This is sick democrats! Just like biden blew up the pipeline! Don't believe the bs they try to poison us with. I don't support russia but I know that this is just a coincidence.

  11. Lol, wjy is a dictator persecuting his political rivals concerned about another dictator doing the same? Comrade Biden is just jealous that he doesnt have the balls Putin does in eliminating Trump and the half of the country who supports Trump!

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