Curtin University Global Futures Dean Professor Joe Siracusa says Donald Trump’s $US454 million bond in his New York fraud case was “probably unconstitutional” and an appeals court found it “excessive”.
A New York appeals court has agreed to reduce former US president Donald Trump’s $US454 million civil fraud case judgement to $US175 million.
Trump has ten days to pay the bond if he wants to avoid having his assets seized by authorities.
“The court found the $US454 million bond excessive – actually, it’s probably unconstitutional,” Mr Siracusa told Sky News Digital Presenter Gabriella Power.
“Trump could’ve written a check … but he didn’t want to do that.”
If Trump doesn't insult your intelligence, it's because you most likely don't have any
Trump could have written a check lol. Keep sending the billionaire your money suckers
This long comment will likely be deleted by the channel /creator because censorship is real on YouTube, but I just can't stay silent..
I dislike Trump as equally as Biden!
Trump isn't who people think he is..
Under the Trump administration the ATF gained more power than previous administration's, but people tend to forget that..
Trump is wanting to give law enforcement even more immunity and power, currently there are thousands of cases all across America of law enforcement with corruption, violence, and mu•der against Americans who've never even had a single traffic ticket in their lives.. The elderly ,disabled,veterans, and citizens who have never been in trouble are being attacked , harmed,mur•ed and wrongly imprisoned by law enforcement,corrupt blue line judges and corrupt city and county prosecutors, it's happening daily now…
Nobody should have immunity from prosecution! Not even a President! Where there is immunity there is always corruption and abuse of power… If a President or law enforcement officer is doing their job correctly they wouldn't need immunity from prosecution!
What did Trump actually do for America outside of drilling for oil and the economy?
What policies did he inact that helped the poor and middle class American family?
Trump said in 2016 "I'll drain the swamp!" Did he? Nope! And look how that's going for him and America..
He could have set term limits in 2016-2020 but didn't! He lied to Americans!
Ask yourselves, had Trump did what he said he'd do originally would America be where it is now?
Trump isn't the saviour of America, he lies to us and tells us these things that sound great but then when he's in office it all fades away, and Biden is ten times worse..
It's a broken system where Americans have to choose between two popular candidates and that's it we're literally forced to choose between two candidates that THEY say are best regardless of how we feel..
The only viable option is to vote outside of the Republican or Democratic party for me, hopefully we get a candidate that is pro2A and anti established government…
Trump will do exactly what he did before, he'll lie to us during the campaign trail and once in office all he'll worry about is money and tax breaks for corrupt companies and his socialite friends..
He'll allow companies to abuse Americans by company profits and corporate greed..
Have you guys forgotten how he was to the rich elite with tax breaks and incentives?
Trump isn't for the people! Trump is for himself, his friends and elite pals!
He's not about making America great for us, he's about making America great for corporations and his elite buddies..
Also can anyone hear name a single President from Washington to Biden who didn't have an agenda? Who actually helped Americans?
These Presidents allow state extortion on citizens by way of "fees" such as hunting licenses, fishing licenses, drivers license, and even child support is a state ran extortion scheme..Don't think so?
(ɪkstɔrʃən ) uncountable noun. Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.
If you don't pay the state for a license your a criminal! If you don't don't pay,pay,pay we'll lock you up, ruin your life, give you a criminal record and take everything from you…
How about child support? The state takes a percentage of every dollar, they'll lock up mostly men and ruin their lives, they'll give them criminal records, imprison them, take their drivers license and tell them to walk to work and pay them or go to prison, while at the same time allowing the mothers and grandparents to use child support funds on cigarettes, vapes, going to atm'a and getting cash for weed shops, buying their boyfriends ps5's and shoes while the child is laying in the floor eating save alot hotdogs for the 5th day in a row,wearing 2-3 year old shoes and clothing but mommy has her nails done, her hair done and her boyfriend is laying on the couch playing his new PS5 all because the state threatened him to extort money from him, and told him non compliance and non payments make him a hardened criminal who deserves prison! He's a worthless dead beat..
Has Trump ar any President or politician ever mentioned this? Have they set legislation against it?
Have they held any of these state agencies liable? NOPE!
Our whole American system is corrupt to its core, and unless a new government and new system happens America is doomed to keep doing the same thing..
We have career politicians who have be making the same decisions and doing the exact same thing for 20-30-40-50 years and you expect change from this cycle? These old farts will always do what they've always done, there'll be no change until the whole system has changed…
Trump isn't going to change it,sooo why is everyone worshiping him?
I apologize for the length of this comment, but these are things people need to know…
I'll believe it when Trunp is found guilty, and loses his appeal's!
Doesn’t Rupert Murdoch own Sky News? That would certainly explain these stupid headlines and misinformation masquerading as news stories… Remember, if you don’t recognize the con, you’re the mark.
Does Siracusa explain how it's constitutional? Or did he just spout that line as required by Sky so they can use it as a headline?
The fine was designed to be excessive, its called election interference. Time to wake up.
This guy needs new glasses if he thinks RFK is gonna pull 25% . But I also think I could be a setup. So if they rigg it again everyone will blame RFK on the outcome. Plus RFK also got mad skeletons he was on creepy island with E🤷🏾♂️
Well duh… only the idiots with tds don't know that
I voted for Trump in 2016 because I didn't want Hillary. I'm sorry I bought into the left-wing's lies and didn't vote for him in 2020. It's the worst decision of my life.
What I want is a politician who cares about our country and has the courage and ability to get the job done while up against vicious enemies who will do anything to stop him no matter how much it damages our country. I don't care if he calls his opponents names and jokes about them. He doesn't do it to regular citizens like the left does. I believe he's the only person who has a chance to turn this failing country around.
The people of Gaza don't want 2-states either unless it makes it easier to kill Jews. Israel has agreed to it several times and Gaza has rejected it. They're very consistent stating their goals. "From the river to the sea, Palistine shall be free," meaning there will be no Israel and certainlyno Jews. There are clear statements of their constitution their goal to humiliate, denigrate, abuse Jews in the most heinous ways before killing them. They accomplished just that Oct 7. They will accept nothing less than the annihilation of Jews and ultimately the annihilation of all infidels, meaning all non-Muslims. Read Gaza's constitution yourself if you don't believe me.
Unconstitutional my bum. It simply reflects what he owes having been found guilty but having chosen to appeal he needs to put up a similar bond. Try to be a bit more truthful when you report on Don the Con.
It is not the heart that binds the spirit
nor the spirit that binds the heart
Rather the two exist in concert visit
Co-existing one part and other part
Seeking what each wishes to know
The heart beats and the spirit
knows what it sows and grows
Heart understands and is complicit.
A very happy, safe and joyous Easter to you Gabrielle
No probably…already been a ruling by supreem court ..KNOWN AS THE PENTAGON PAPER RULING…EVER HEAR OF THAT!!!! EVEN I KNOW ABOUT IT…TALK AWAY TRUMP!!!!
The soviets would be envious at how the democrats are treating their political opposition.
Black Donald J Trump don't okay vote work 2024
He even has the Supreme court in his pocket. This is exactly why the legitimate news outlets always comment on who is getting appointed by whom and Trump slotted several of his own guys into the Supreme court during his presidency. This is them breaking laws to give him opportunities that no other person on the planet would ever get if they were in his position. The bond isn't even large and several court cases have been much larger, 1 billion all the way up to 2 billion and those were handled just like every other court case smaller than them. Trump does not deserve special treatment in any way shape or form. He quite literally is a criminal, not just proven with this case, but with 2 previous cases. He's now a convicted criminal that overturned Roe vs. Wade and hates minorities. Why would anyone vote for him ever? He only cares about himself and his millionaire/billionaire friends, not the American people.
If no bank in the world 🌎 has ever issued a bond that high by default it's unconstitutional. End of kabuki theater. The past 2 weeks people thought latuna was going to put chains on the doors of Trump properties are you you not entertained?
Trump is with no doubt going to win again in 2024 President of the United States of America.
Trump is the poorest billionaire, we'll ever see.
Does this clown have a direct line to the Supreme Court? He seems to have easy access for every one of his grievances.
Trumps mouth is bigger than his brain.
Trump will win in an even bigger landslide with RFK Jr around.
God help Trump and fight with his haters
Leticia didn't do crap! She looks totally impotent 😂
This is very misleading .Even though it is reduced ,Trump is yet to pay it .The question is, .
why is he covering up being broke ? Why is he now selling bibles at $60 US .That is inexcusable and blasphemous .This so-called expert doesn't mention those things .Sly Thrash Nonsense .
Trump Derrangement Syndrome makes some people do and say some incredibly stupid things. These people have gone way too far…US has become a banana republic
The bible package was produced by Lee Greenwood . Trump is doing a favour for his friend Lee Greenwood .
It's just so cold here where I am. I want to sow plants that attract butterflies, humming birds and and bees. Trying to save the planet one pollinator at a time 😂
Laughably ridiculous take 🤣 Note the appeals court found the BOND amount excessive, NOT the judgement. If you think an 8th amendment appeal to the US Supreme court will be heard – for a guy who had repeatedly blubbered his utter contempt for the judiciary – including SCOTUS DIRECTLY, you're utterly deluded. Do even a modicum of research before being so gullible Sky 🙄
Unconstitutional? Does he know NY law?
The bible is very important in our lives.the hotels used to keep them in the rooms.
He's a huckster. Name one politician that isn't.
Sky this is old news man you know is there nothing else going on in the world
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