Pulitzer Prize winner quits Ford Foundation over group’s refusal to honor Liz Cheney


Correction: A previous headline on this video incorrectly identified the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation as the Ford Foundation.

David Hume Kennerly, a Pulitzer-prize-winning photographer who served in the Ford White House, announced his resignation from the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation board over its “short-sighted” rejection of former Rep. Liz Cheney for the organization’s yearly award. #CNN #News



  1. No, please listen …this behavior by the board of this iconic non profit institution,in fear of what may happen if T rump success is so ignorant of the history of these people…if he comes to power, the stature you are assuming to protect,will be irrelevant! Get a grip, it a cultural challenge

  2. Surely by now America must be aware that they’ve been duped by such a flawed, inapt , misogynist,narcissistic man that should never step into the Oval Office again.
    From the land of OZ maintain your democracy by voting Biden.

  3. And we thought politics was bad before tRump! tRump has turned our government into a cast of high school characters …devoid of morals and ethics…afraid to not be accepted by or incur the wrath of the "in crowd." It's all so appalling.🤬

  4. How come nobody is interviewing Wyomingite John Barrasso to ask how he’s planning on controlling this mess? He’s not the ranking national Republican serving politician publicly endorsing Trump? What’s the plan, John, how is this going to work?

  5. It is striking how 'surprised' and 'outraged' the reaction. This is American conservatism. This has certainly been American conservatism for decades. What a relief it must be for them to finally be able to say out loud and unalloyed what that philosophy actually believes. They feel empowered to celebrate their racism, misogyny and jingoism. That they are now 'eating their own' is predictable. This is the spiral of hate and fear.

  6. These organizations should be "Loyal to this country more than Loyal to The CON MAN". Organizations like this one are the problem and the ones that are dragging the country down, degrading it around the world because others see the degradation and are laughing at us. Tinny little countries around the world are disrespecting America because of the followers of The Orange Jesus, a DEPLORABLE RAT.
    Liz Cheney is the woman who SHAMES THEM just by her presence because she is leading the way to show all DEPLORABLE RATS the way they should follow but they are too cowardly they have to follow their DEPLORABLE RAT MASTER than the PATRIOT WOMAN.
    Miss Liz Cheney and I are on any opposite issues but my dearest respect and admiration are infinite for the woman who can see with clarity and HUMILATE his pears every turn.

  7. Fact: Donald Trump adulterous unprotected sex with a porn star while his wife was at home recovering from childbirth. Access Holywood Billy Bush-trump Interview says it all about his true character.

  8. This issue right here is a classic example of how facism works in practice. Self censorship, fear of retribution, fear of the mob, fear of imprisonment. No different from religious indoctrination.

  9. Liz Chaney is a patriot. I despise her politics, but respect her for supporting this country against a traitor like trump. She, unlike rump, has this countries best interest at heart. Rump cares only for money, power and his own interests. We are all disposable to him.

  10. The J6 Committee was assembled by House Speaker Nancy, and she needed a Republican who would balance out all the rest who were Dems, under a very evident fairness doctrine. She was able to achieve what she wanted by her selections, and in a serendipitous occurrence, her selection of the Wyoming Republican brought about even greater rewards by the Wyoming native's J6 report bypassing truths that could have exonerated the former President because it's only an lie if it's stated. (Reference the offer of 10k guardsmen to DC Mayor Bowser by the President for J6.)

  11. Shame on the Gerald Ford Foundation! In our current political environment, Liz Cheney is a hero and a sterling example of a profile in courage! No one deserves to be recognized more! The fact that photographer David Hume Kennerly is willing to resign from this lackluster group is a credit to him. Think how weak, how pathetic, and how un-American the foundation will look a few years from now. The group embody cowardice and unbelievably bad judgment! Gerald Ford is no doubt turning wildly in his grave! What a travesty

  12. Liz should run as a 3rd party to take Republican votes away from Trump, and if she managed to beat Biden, as well I could live with that!

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