School lunch: Is $1.50 a child enough?


After taking out labor, equipment and transportation costs, the city of Bridgeport has about $1.50 to spend on lunch for each child. CNNMoney visits where daily meals are made for more than 10,000 public school students.



  1. I have an idea…
    First, replace the milk or juice with cups of water. Why do they need sugary drinks? There are so many ways to cook food cheaply.
    Oatmeal is wholesome
    Fresh fruit is healthy
    Fresh bread is not expensive

  2. It made me cry when the lady said that there was a backpack program that provides food for children that dont have food when they get home. And she had to deny that little boy food. Some dont know how lucky they really are. 😢 We provide other countries with billions and trillions of money for war a and America doesn't have the resources to fund nutritious food like japan or france. Somethings got to change. When i went to school they feed us nothing but trash and now look at us no wonder is so obese and sick with diabetes. And insurance companies dont want to provide pre existing conditions medication or care. This is a problem that we made we need to change whos is in charge.

  3. Raising dependent kids.😅 eating for free in school for 12yrs then get snap benefits at 18 they will never work for a meal in their lives until they're like 40yrs old.😂😂😂

  4. In my country bringing your own lunch is not allowed. But kids have very good and healthy food at school. You pay depending on your income, from free to about 7 euros per meal. Or you can eat outside the school to since we have 1h30 lunch break

  5. All these damn rich politicians and we’re hungry ? Lol y’all give food stamps meaning free food so how we’re hungry because they’re greedy and don’t wanna help us not rich people

  6. I go to a really nice and luxurious school with HAND DRYERS FULL SIZE BATHROOM WALLS NOT HUGE GAP AT BOTTOM MARBLE SINKS WOOD PANEL ELEVATOR WHICH IS ALSO LUXURIOUS AND 4 PILLARS IN THE FRONT OF THE SCHOOL AND A LIBRARY WITH A VIEW OF THE CITY but we still get public school food your being told lies about private school lunches

    Also srry for bragging about my school being nice lol i was trying to make a point

  7. If you want to run lunches or any thing right you need to give them more money, increase the number of volunteers and donations, increase quality control run a school the same way you do a business. You wouldn't under pay a friendly's or a Wendys. On top of that make shore schools have good books and good gym equipment. We can get quality equipment to churches and scouts and zoos so we can do the same to schools. Fund raise or whatever.

    but better would be to get the families to have more money. $1 or 2 for lunch should NOT be "Unaffordable"

    and this is what will happen if you go for that Free Health Care and forgiven student loans. Companies don't want to give there best to those in need. If you ask for charity you won't get the quality materials you'll get the 2nd had stuff, the unwanted stuff.

    if places want free stuff they also have to get the donators to want to give better quality stuff. We need to change peoples passions change there priorities. Maybe allow schools to make money from selling products made and sold by the students?

    If unemployment is the issue then we need to lean on employers to give out more jobs. Stop leaning on robots and computers to do all the work. If every company that put my Verry Important Phone call on hold for 2 hours had humans running phones instead of computers that creates jobs.

    We could even incentivize the homeless to join the military , a job that provides housing or maybe make other jobs provide housing for employees.

    Bottom line school lunches cost $1.00 or less in the 90s and 80s. Schools were safer in the 90s and 80s. Schools were of quality in the 80s and 90s. whatever we used to do we need to do again. What we are doing now, does not work.

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