At a rally in Ohio, former President Donald Trump saluted people in prison for breaking into the Capitol on January 6th and falsely called them “hostages.” Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence called that language “unacceptable.” #CNN #News
Alice escaped Wonderland, full of nonsensical perspective.
People are saying Trump's actions are unbelievable.
I fully believe it!
Trump often refers to American people as animals , and hostages Trump has lied time and time again and if he does not get elected it's going to be a blood bathe for the country .Your trying to tell us what he is talking about he calls someone an animal coming out of a person who is riding up a blood bath Trump we are not afraid of your rhetoric and unlike you we love America and Democracy .
Yall full of shit…. he didnt say that and he didnt mean that, ya gonna be sick when he wins arent yas 😂
lol this news is a joke atleast tell some truth straight lies
Miss or Mrs.How can you put your own meaning to some one word of mouth for that person instead you asked him to clarify his meaning of such wording.
MS-13 monsters are not human.
And he is stíll your joice? How poore is thatr????
Let’s remember this is the guy who said he didn’t like war heroes that were captured, but he’s prepared to salute the domestic terrorists from Jan 6th. And you still want this guy as your president? 🤬
Alice Stewart is a MAGA. Trump's bloodbath comment is not just about the auto industry. If Trump loses the election he's basically saying his MAGA cult is going to cause violence. Alice can't be that stupid.
This is so f'ing bizarre and wrong. People mindlessly believe the biggest liar ever in politics.
Goooo PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! YOU CNN loonies are truly LIARS. LIE LIE LIE.
You people tell lies, Trump will be your next president.
Lol, so based on Alice's logic, she assumes that all people at the rallies and those who watch his rallies must be stock brokers and economists? LOL.
A BLOOD BATH = TO STEAL OUR AMERICAN WEALTH. The inly reasob why Donal Trump wants to be Presidebt
Respect Mike Pence for doung whats Right and Being Here bourahle in standing up to Demon Donald Trump.
He knows what he's saying. He's playing games
So sick of Trump. Everyday it's something more deplorable
Dear CNN, it doesn't matter the story, it doesn't change the fact, 😡 could win the next election, stop putting him front and center and start covering the positive impact of biden policy.
Why do you keep stopping her
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