Sen. Durbin and Sen. Kennedy CLASH on Proposed Mayorkas Impeachment Hearing


Senators Dick Durbin and John Kennedy have engaged in a heated disagreement during the Mayorkas Impeachment Hearing. The main point of contention revolves around whether or not a trial should be conducted to present evidence for the removal of Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Senator Kennedy, through S.Res.623, seeks to establish procedures for the impeachment articles against Mayorkas and emphasizes the need for a trial. On the other hand, Senator Durbin and the Democrats argue that there is a lack of evidence, rendering a trial unnecessary. This clash highlights the differing opinions on the potential threat to American democracy, with Durbin and the Democrats facing criticism from some for their stance.



  1. Cambridge and Oxford are the first, therefore oldest and universally accepted best universities in the world. Harvard etc (so called Ivy League) are just the best in the USA and I believe that is now questionable. Durbin and his lying, hypercritical, corrupt misnamed party lie so much they forget what lies they've told. The Democrats and its members such as Durbin are destroying democracy in the USA and this makes them illegal but highly dangerous. Maybe Americans can't see it but its crystal clear, from the outside, that the USA is heading for a 2nd civil war. In November the Republicans must oust the drunk on power, yes power mad Democrats from office, before World War 3, erupts whilst the USA fights amongst itself. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea (possibly India, Hungary, Slovakia and African nations join the fray) take advantage. Unless the USA sorts itself out, the human race will have a civil war, the axis of evil, the countries mentioned, against the true democracies.

  2. The bipartisan bill that Durbin mentions would give the President authority over the border. With Biden as President the border crisis would continue because the bill would allow up to 5,000 illegals to come into our country daily. Plus Biden would have authority to make them citizens without Congress's approval. Biden already has the authority to close the border just like Trump did. Don't need the bill to do what's needed.

  3. Durbin asks for new Legislation, whereas Biden prevents border gates from being locked closed and has them welded to stay open instead. Every intervention Pres Trump put in place to prevent illegal crossings, every one of them were removed. We need enforcement of what was and still is law, period! Not new Legislation.

  4. How about the fact that he doesn’t follow the laws on the books passed by Congress, if they don’t impeach him then why are we paying their salaries!!!! When the Republicans were in charge they went forward with both impeachments of president Trump

  5. Joe boy is trying to screw things up so bad that if trump gets in, it would make it very hard to get all the butt kissing joe has done to buy voters. Joe biden and son should be in jail. There is so much that joe has destroyed. Dick never done a thing else just like joe.😊

  6. Senator Durbin….close the border and then fix it! You don't stand around watching a burning building and decide how you should have prevented it. Solve the problem not the symptoms
    Are you blind? Thousands are being flown in, thousands are crossing and yet you won't stop the flow right now and Biden has the power to do so

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