SNL Mocks Joe Biden AGAIN…


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Michael Che, a host on Saturday Night Live, decided to rip on Biden’s lack of appeal to black Americans recently. Joe Biden is not going to get a high black turn-out in this upcoming election.

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  1. We don’t have much reason to laugh these days, but the prospect of Joe Biden or Kamala Harris debating any Republican candidate must have even Liberal comics snickering in anticipation. Neither one of them would be able to get through a debate without knowing the questions (and the DNC approved answers) ahead of time.

  2. Ben I had respect for you but your insane view points on Trump are far from reality. It's time I leave your cultish ultra right wing ideology! It's clear you're in fear of being ostracized from your money pit of investors,.

    I find your submissive behavior to Trump and the fact that you back his authoritarian behavior absolutely disgusting. Any person falling for his bible selling/ sneaker selling/ and your begging to save this man should only lose everything for their stupidity.

    Your cult obviously does not posses any cognitive ability to reason only rationalize!

  3. "We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. The wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has thrust this unwelcome role upon us."- Maurice Samuel..

  4. An old school friend of mine was an airframe mechanic for 35 years and quit for early retirement because he was not prepared to keep signing off defective product.

  5. Ben, you can environmentally induce an abortion. You create stress through promoting childbirth regardless of consequences. The woman could miscarry, the child stillborn, etc. separating body from mind will harm the uterus, the quality of the lining, and the viability of the embryo. If she doesn’t wish to give birth, it’s always an act of self-preservation. I am referring to science. Stress kills. You’re saying stress is a punishment and inducement of responsibility. Why? It’s harmful to the brain, so how can a person truly learn? Traumatic experiences are not to be deliberately created, especially as an argument that it will sustain life. It doesn’t.

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